North Carolina General Statutes
Article 20 - Interlocal Cooperation.
§ 160A-476 - Fiscal affairs.

160A-476. Fiscal affairs.
Each unit of local government having membership in a regional council may appropriate funds to the council from any legally available revenues. Services of personnel, use of equipment and office space, and other services may be made available to the council by its member governments as a part of their financial support. (1971, c. 698, s. 1; 1973, c. 426, s. 73.)

Structure North Carolina General Statutes

North Carolina General Statutes

Chapter 160A - Cities and Towns

Article 20 - Interlocal Cooperation.

§ 160A-460 - Definitions.

§ 160A-461 - Interlocal cooperation authorized.

§ 160A-462 - Joint agencies.

§ 160A-463 - Personnel.

§ 160A-464 - Provisions of the agreement.

§ 160A-466 - Revenue and expenditures for joint undertakings.

§ 160A-470 - Creation of regional councils; definition of "unit of local government".

§ 160A-471 - Membership.

§ 160A-472 - Contents of charter.

§ 160A-473 - Organization of council.

§ 160A-474 - Withdrawal from council.

§ 160A-475 - Specific powers of council.

§ 160A-476 - Fiscal affairs.

§ 160A-477 - Reports.

§ 160A-478 - Powers granted are supplementary.

§ 160A-479 - Creation of authority; definition.

§ 160A-479.1 - Purpose of the authority.

§ 160A-479.2 - Jurisdiction of the authority.

§ 160A-479.3 - Membership.

§ 160A-479.4 - Contents of charter.

§ 160A-479.5 - Organization of authority.

§ 160A-479.6 - Withdrawal from authority.

§ 160A-479.7 - Powers of authority.

§ 160A-479.8 - Fiscal accountability.

§ 160A-479.9 - Funds.

§ 160A-479.10 - Controlling provisions.

§ 160A-479.11 - Conflicts of interest of public officials.

§ 160A-479.12 - Issuance of revenue bonds and notes.

§ 160A-479.13 - Acquisition of property.

§ 160A-479.14 - Tax exemption.

§ 160A-479.15 - Removal and relocation of utility structures.

§ 160A-479.16 - Advances.

§ 160A-479.17 - Annexation.

§ 160A-480.1 - Short title.

§ 160A-480.2 - Definitions.

§ 160A-480.3 - Creation of Authority; additional membership.

§ 160A-480.4 - Powers of an Authority.

§ 160A-480.5 - Dissolution of Authority.

§ 160A-480.6 - Construction contracts.

§ 160A-480.7 - Seating at regional facility arena.

§ 160A-480.8 - Bonds.

§ 160A-480.9 - Trust agreement or resolution.

§ 160A-480.10 - Trust funds.

§ 160A-480.11 - Faith and credit of State and units of local government not pledged.

§ 160A-480.12 - Revenue refunding bonds.

§ 160A-480.13 - Bonds eligible for investment.

§ 160A-480.14 - Taxation of revenue bonds.

§ 160A-480.15 - Members and officers not liable.

§ 160A-481.1 - Definitions.

§ 160A-481.2 - Interlocal cooperation authorized.