North Carolina General Statutes
Article 16 - County Service Districts; County Research and Production Service Districts; County Economic Development and Training Districts.
§ 153A-317.13 - Advisory committee.

153A-317.13. Advisory committee.
(a) Creation. - The board of commissioners, in the resolution establishing an economic development and training district, shall also provide for an advisory committee for the district. The committee shall consist of five members, serving terms as set forth in the resolution. The resolution shall provide for the appointment or designation of a chair. The board of commissioners shall appoint the members of the advisory committee as provided in this section.
(b) Membership. - Three of the five committee members shall represent the association of owners and tenants, as required by G.S. 153A-317.12(a)(10), and two members shall represent the county. Before making the appointments representing the association, the board of commissioners shall request the association to submit a list of persons to be considered for appointment to the committee. The association of owners and tenants shall submit at least two names for each appointment to be made and the board of commissioners shall make the appointments to the committee representing the association from the list of persons submitted to it by the association. Whenever a vacancy occurs on the committee in a position filled by an appointment by the board of commissioners representing the association of owners and tenants, the board, before filling the vacancy, shall request the association to submit the names of at least two persons to be considered for the vacancy, and the board shall fill the vacancy by appointing one of the persons so submitted.
(c) Advisory Duties. - Each year, before adopting the budget for the district and levying the tax for the district, the board shall request recommendations from the advisory committee as to the type and level of services, facilities, or functions to be provided for the district for the ensuing years. The board of commissioners shall, to the extent permitted by law, expend the proceeds of any tax levied for the district in the manner recommended by the advisory committee. (2003-418, s. 1.)

Structure North Carolina General Statutes

North Carolina General Statutes

Chapter 153A - Counties

Article 16 - County Service Districts; County Research and Production Service Districts; County Economic Development and Training Districts.

§ 153A-300 - Title; effective date.

§ 153A-301 - Purposes for which districts may be established.

§ 153A-302 - Definition of service districts.

§ 153A-303 - Extension of service districts.

§ 153A-303.1 - Removal of territory from service districts.

§ 153A-304 - Consolidation of service districts.

§ 153A-304.1 - Reduction in district after annexation.

§ 153A-304.2 - Reduction in district after annexation to Chapter 69 fire district.

§ 153A-304.3 - Changes in adjoining service districts.

§ 153A-304.4 - Reduction in law enforcement service district after annexation.

§ 153A-305 - Required provision or maintenance of services.

§ 153A-306 - Abolition of service districts.

§ 153A-307 - Taxes authorized; rate limitation.

§ 153A-308 - Bonds authorized.

§ 153A-309 - EMS services in fire protection districts.

§ 153A-309.2 - Rate limitation in certain districts - Alternative procedure for fire protection service districts.

§ 153A-309.3 - Rate limitation in certain districts - Fire protection service districts for industrial property.

§ 153A-310 - Rate limitation in certain districts - Alternative procedure for ambulance and rescue districts.

§ 153A-311 - Purposes for which districts may be established.

§ 153A-312 - Definition of research and production service district.

§ 153A-313 - Research and production service district advisory committee.

§ 153A-314 - Extension of service districts.

§ 153A-314.1 - Removal of territory from districts.

§ 153A-315 - Required provision or maintenance of services.

§ 153A-316 - Abolition of districts.

§ 153A-316.1 - Urban research service district (URSD).

§ 153A-316.2 - URSD advisory committee.

§ 153A-316.3 - Extension of URSD.

§ 153A-316.4 - Removal of territory from URSD.

§ 153A-316.5 - Required provision or maintenance of services in URSD.

§ 153A-316.6 - Abolition of URSD.

§ 153A-317 - Research and production service district taxes authorized; rate limitation.

§ 153A-317.1 - Urban research service district taxes authorized; rate.

§ 153A-317.11 - Purpose and nature of districts.

§ 153A-317.12 - Definition of economic development and training district.

§ 153A-317.13 - Advisory committee.

§ 153A-317.14 - Extension of economic development and training districts.

§ 153A-317.15 - Required provision or maintenance of skills training center.

§ 153A-317.16 - Abolition of economic development and training districts.

§ 153A-317.17 - Taxes authorized; rate limitation.