North Carolina General Statutes
Article 16 - Department of Adult Correction. [Effective January 1, 2023].
§ 143B-1454 - Division of Prisons functions with respect to adults[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

143B-1454. Division of Prisons - functions with respect to adults. [Effective January 1, 2023 - see notes]
(a) The functions of the Division of Prisons shall include all functions of the executive branch of the State in relation to corrections and the rehabilitation of adult offenders, including detention and further including those prescribed powers, duties, and functions enumerated in the laws of this State. All such functions, powers, duties, and obligations heretofore vested in the State Department of Correction and Commission of Correction are hereby transferred to and vested in the Division of Prisons of the Department of Adult Correction except as otherwise provided by the Executive Organization Act of 1973.
(b) Repealed by Session Laws 2021-180, s. 19C.9(m), effective January 1, 2023.
(c) Repealed by Session Laws 2012-83, s. 9, effective June 26, 2012.
(d) The Division shall establish the Alcoholism and Chemical Dependency Treatment Program. The Program shall consist of a continuum of treatment and intervention services for male and female inmates, established in medium and minimum custody prison facilities.
(e) The Department, in consultation with the Domestic Violence Commission, and in accordance with established best practices, shall establish a domestic violence treatment program for offenders sentenced to a term of imprisonment in the custody of the Department and whose official record includes a finding by the court that the offender committed acts of domestic violence.
The Department shall ensure that inmates, whose record includes a finding by the court that the offender committed acts of domestic violence, complete a domestic violence treatment program prior to the completion of the period of incarceration, unless other requirements, deemed critical by the Department, prevent program completion. In the event an inmate does not complete the program during the period of incarceration, the Department shall document, in the inmate s official record, specific reasons why that particular inmate did not or was not able to complete the program. (1973, c. 1262, s. 4; 1983, c. 682, s. 1; 1987, c. 479; c. 738, s. 111(a); 1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 994; 1997-57, s. 1; 1999-423, s. 8; 2001-487, s. 47(f); 2004-186, s. 1.2; 2009-372, s. 6; 2011-145, s. 19.1(h), (k), (s); 2012-83, s. 9; 2017-186, s. 1(g); recodified from N.C. Gen. Stat. 143B-704 by 2021-180, s. 19C.9(h), (m).)

Structure North Carolina General Statutes

North Carolina General Statutes

Chapter 143B - Executive Organization Act of 1973

Article 16 - Department of Adult Correction. [Effective January 1, 2023].

§ 143B-1440 - Organization[Effective January 1, 2023]

§ 143B-1442 - Powers and duties of the Secretary[Effective January 1, 2023]

§ 143B-1444 - Definitions[Effective January 1, 2023]

§ 143B-1450 - Creation of Division of Prisons; powers[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1451 - Division of Prisons duties[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1452 - Division of Prisons rules and regulations[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1453 - Repair or replacement of personal property[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1454 - Division of Prisons functions with respect to adults[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1455 - Division of Prisons Alcoholism and Chemical Dependency Treatment Program[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1456 - Reports to the General Assembly[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1457 - Annual report on safekeepers[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1458 - Security Staffing[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1465 - Creation of Division of Health Services; powers[Effective January 1, 2023]

§ 143B-1470 - Medical costs for inmates[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1471 - Medicaid services for inmates[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1472 - Medication losses related to inmate transfer[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1473 - Contract for limited use of local purchase of inmate pharmacy needs[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1474 - Federal 340B Program Department of Adult Correction/Department of Health and Human Services partnership[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1475 - Federal 340B Program Department of Adult Correction/University of North Carolina Health Care System partnership[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1476 - Reports related to the federal 340B Program[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1480 - Creation of Division of Community Supervision and Reentry; powers[Effective January 1, 2023]

§ 143B-1481 - Report on probation and parole caseloads[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1482 - Mutual agreement parole program report; medical release program report[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1483 - Community service program[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1484 - State Reentry Council Collaborative[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1490 - Post-Release Supervision and Parole Commission creation, powers and duties[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1491 - Post-Release Supervision and Parole Commission members; selection; removal; chair; compensation; quorum; services[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1492 - Parole eligibility reports[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1495 - Short title[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1496 - Legislative policy[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1497 - Definitions[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1498 - Goals of community-based corrections programs funded under this Subpart[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1499 - Eligible population[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1500 - Duties of Division of Community Supervision and Reentry[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1501 - Contract for services[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1502 - Program types eligible for funding; community-based corrections programs[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]

§ 143B-1503 - Justice Reinvestment Council[Effective January 1, 2023 see notes]