North Carolina General Statutes
Article 36 - Department of Administration.
§ 143-345.5 - Program for location and construction of future public buildings.

143-345.5. Program for location and construction of future public buildings.
The Department of Administration is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to formulate a long range building policy program and shall cooperate with the governing board of the City of Raleigh in zoning property adjacent to or in the vicinity of the Capitol Square when and if the City of Raleigh desires to zone said property. If the Department of Administration is of opinion that property adjacent to or in the vicinity of the Capitol Square will, in the future, be needed for State building purposes, it shall so advise the governing body of the City of Raleigh. At such times as the governing body of the City of Raleigh shall rezone property adjacent to or within four blocks of the State Capitol, it shall request an opinion from the Department of Administration as to whether the Department finds a future need for such property for State building purposes. In the event that the governing board of the City of Raleigh is informed by the Department of Administration that any property herein covered be needed for building purposes by the State in the future, the governing body of the City of Raleigh shall give full consideration to such opinion of the Department before making any rezoning order. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no local zoning ordinance shall apply to any State-owned building built or to be built on any State-owned land within six blocks of the State Capitol without the consent of the Council of State. (1951, c. 1132; 1957, c. 215, s. 2; 1971, c. 1097, s. 4; 2007-482, s. 1.)

Structure North Carolina General Statutes

North Carolina General Statutes

Chapter 143 - State Departments, Institutions, and Commissions

Article 36 - Department of Administration.

§ 143-334 - Short title.

§ 143-335 - Department of Administration created.

§ 143-336 - Definitions.

§ 143-340 - Powers and duties of Secretary.

§ 143-341 - Powers and duties of Department.

§ 143-341.2 - Proactive management of State-owned and State-leased real property portfolio.

§ 143-342 - Rules governing allocation of property and space.

§ 143-342.1 - State-owned office space; fees for use by self-supporting agencies.

§ 143-343 - General Services Division.

§ 143-344 - Transfer of functions, property, records, etc.

§ 143-345 - Saving clause.

§ 143-345.1 - Rules and regulations.

§ 143-345.2 - Disorderly conduct in and injury to public buildings and grounds.

§ 143-345.3 - Construction and repair of public buildings; use of Contingency and Emergency Fund.

§ 143-345.4 - Moore and Nash squares and other public lots.

§ 143-345.5 - Program for location and construction of future public buildings.

§ 143-345.6 - Recodified as § 147-54.3 by Session Laws 1991, c689, s181(b).

§ 143-345.7 - Repair and reconstruction of the Western Residence of the Governor.

§ 143-345.8 - North Carolina Purchase Directory.

§ 143-345.9 - Official "Prisoner of War/Missing in Action" flag to be flown over the State Capitol.

§ 143-345.10 - Parking of maintenance vehicles.

§ 143-345.11 - Secretary's approval of plans for State buildings required.

§ 143-345.13 - Reporting of stocks of coal and petroleum fuels.

§ 143-345.14 - Authority to collect data; administration and enforcement; confidentiality.

§ 143-345.16 - Recodified as G.S143B-437.14 by Session Laws 2010-96, s21, effective July 20, 2010.

§ 143-345.17 - Recodified as G.S143B-437.15 by Session Laws 2010-96, s21, effective July 20, 2010.

§ 143-345.18 - Recodified as G.S143B-437.16 by Session Laws 2010-96, s21, effective July 20, 2010.