North Carolina General Statutes
Article 13 - Publications.
§ 143-170.1 - Statement of cost of public documents; chief administrator charged with compliance.

143-170.1. Statement of cost of public documents; chief administrator charged with compliance.
(a) Every agency of this State publishing a public document, other than one published for the principal purpose of sale to the public, shall cause the following statement to be printed adjacent to the identification of the agency responsible for the publication:
"(Number of copies) copies of this public document were printed at a cost of $____, or $____ per copy."
For the purposes of this Article the term "cost" shall include printing costs in the form of labor and materials, and other identifiable design, typesetting, and binding costs.
(a1) Any public document without a statement of cost shall not be mailed or distributed at public expense.
(a2) Whenever a public document that is published by an agency of this State is printed on recycled paper, the document shall contain a printed statement or symbol indicating that the document was printed on recycled paper.
(a3) If an agency fails to comply with this section, then the agency's printing budget for the fiscal year following the violation shall be reduced by ten percent (10%).
(b) The chief administrator of the agency authorizing the printing is charged with agency compliance with the provisions of this Article. (1983, c. 866, ss. 6, 7; 1989, c. 34; 1993, c. 256, s. 4; 1995, c. 324, s. 6.10.)