North Carolina General Statutes
Article 3 - National Guard.
§ 127A-64 - Availability of resources for National Guard Family Assistance Centers; report.

127A-64. Availability of resources for National Guard Family Assistance Centers; report.
(a) To the extent feasible and practicable, State and local agencies who provide services directed at individuals who have served in the active or reserve components of the Armed Forces of the United States and their families shall make personnel and other resources available to the National Guard Family Assistance Centers.
(b) The Department of Public Safety shall report annually no later than September 1 to the Chairs of the House of Representatives and Senate Appropriations Committees on Justice and Public Safety and to the House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security, Military, and Veterans Affairs on the activities of the National Guard Family Assistance Centers during the previous fiscal year. This report shall include information on services provided as well as on the number and type of members of the active or reserve components of the Armed Forces of the United States, veterans, and family members served.
(c) The North Carolina National Guard may use funds appropriated to it for Family Assistance Centers for expenses related to support of surviving family members of deceased members of the North Carolina National Guard, including, but not limited to, the costs of providing educational materials; workshops; outreach events; and invitational travel, including per diem and other travel-related expenses. (2011-145, s. 19.1(g); 2011-185, s. 1; 2014-106, s. 2; 2015-241, s. 16B.9.)

Structure North Carolina General Statutes

North Carolina General Statutes

Chapter 127A - Militia

Article 3 - National Guard.

§ 127A-29 - National Guard.

§ 127A-30 - Organization of National Guard units.

§ 127A-31 - Location of units.

§ 127A-32 - Officers appointed and commissioned; oath of office.

§ 127A-33 - Promotion of officers by seniority and in accordance with regulations.

§ 127A-34 - Relative rank among officers of same grade.

§ 127A-35 - Elimination and disposition of officers; efficiency board; transfer to inactive status.

§ 127A-36 - Retirement of officers.

§ 127A-37 - Enlistments in National Guard; oath of enlistment.

§ 127A-38 - Discharge of enlisted personnel.

§ 127A-39 - Membership continued in the National Guard.

§ 127A-40 - Pensions for the members of the North Carolina National Guard.

§ 127A-40.1 - North Carolina National Guard Pension Fund.

§ 127A-41 - Uniforms, arms and equipment.

§ 127A-41.1 - Recodified as G.S127B-31 by Session Laws 2019-161, s1(b), effective October 1, 2019.

§ 127A-41.2 - Operation of post exchanges.

§ 127A-42 - Distinguished Service Medal by Governor of North Carolina.

§ 127A-43 - North Carolina National Guard Meritorious Service Medal.

§ 127A-44 - North Carolina National Guard Commendation Medal.

§ 127A-44.1 - North Carolina National Guard Achievement Medal.

§ 127A-45 - North Carolina National Guard State Active Duty Award.

§ 127A-45.1 - North Carolina National Guard Governor's Unit Citation.

§ 127A-45.2 - North Carolina National Guard Meritorious Unit Citation.

§ 127A-45.2A - North Carolina National Guard Outstanding Unit Award.

§ 127A-45.3 - North Carolina National Guard Distinguished Civilian Service Medal.

§ 127A-45.4 - North Carolina National Guard Outstanding Civilian Service Medal.

§ 127A-45.5 - North Carolina National Guard Meritorious Civilian Service Award.

§ 127A-45.5A - Other awards.

§ 127A-46 - Authority to wear medals, ribbons and other awards.

§ 127A-47 - Courts-martial for National Guard.

§ 127A-48 - General courts-martial.

§ 127A-49 - Special courts-martial; appointments, power and authority.

§ 127A-50 - Summary courts-martial.

§ 127A-50.1 - Military judges.

§ 127A-51 - Nonjudicial punishment.

§ 127A-52 - Jurisdiction of courts-martial.

§ 127A-53 - Manual for Courts-Martial.

§ 127A-54 - Pretrial confinement; sentences; where executed[Effective until January 1, 2023]

§ 127A-55 - Forms for courts-martial procedure.

§ 127A-56 - Powers of courts-martial.

§ 127A-57 - Execution of processes and sentences.

§ 127A-59 - (See note for contingency) Sentences.

§ 127A-60 - Approval of sentence.

§ 127A-61 - Disposition of fines.

§ 127A-62 - Appeals; discretionary review.

§ 127A-64 - Availability of resources for National Guard Family Assistance Centers; report.

§ 127A-65 - List of rights; posting.