North Carolina General Statutes
Article 2 - Duty and Privilege of Members.
§ 120-7 - Penalty for failure to discharge duty.

120-7. Penalty for failure to discharge duty.
If any member shall fail to appear, or shall neglect to attend to the duties of his office, he shall forfeit and pay for not appearing ten dollars ($10.00), and two dollars ($2.00) for every day he may be absent from his duties during the session, to be deducted from his pay as a member; but a majority of the members of either house of the General Assembly may remit such fines and forfeitures, or any part thereof, where it shall appear that such member has been prevented from attending to his duties by sickness or other sufficient cause. (1787, c. 277, s. 2, P.R.; R.C., c. 52, s. 28; Code, s. 2848; Rev., s. 4402; C.S., s. 6091.)