120-231. Committee duties; reports.
(a) The Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Information Technology may:
(1) Evaluate the current technological infrastructure of State government and information systems use and needs in State government and determine potential demands for additional information staff, equipment, software, data communications, and consulting services in State government during the next 10 years. The evaluation may include an assessment of ways technological infrastructure and information systems use may be leveraged to improve State efficiency and services to the citizens of the State, including an enterprise-wide infrastructure and data architecture.
(2) Evaluate information technology governance, policy, and management practices, including policies and practices related to personnel and acquisition issues, on both a statewide and project level.
(3) Study, evaluate, and recommend changes to the North Carolina General Statutes relating to electronic commerce.
(4) Study, evaluate, and recommend action regarding reports received by the Committee.
(5) Study, evaluate, and recommend any changes proposed for future development of the information highway system of the State.
(b) The Committee may consult with the State Chief Information Officer on statewide technology strategies and initiatives and review all legislative proposals and other recommendations of the State Chief Information Officer.
(c) The Committee shall submit annual reports to the General Assembly on or before the convening of the regular session of the General Assembly each year. The Committee may submit interim reports at any time it deems appropriate. (1999-237, s. 22(a); 2004-129, ss. 7A(c), 36; 2006-264, s. 10.)
Structure North Carolina General Statutes
North Carolina General Statutes
Chapter 120 - General Assembly
Article 26 - Joint Legislative Oversight Committee on Information Technology.
§ 120-231 - Committee duties; reports.
§ 120-232 - Committee membership; terms; organization; vacancies.
§ 120-233 - Assistance; per diem; subsistence; and travel allowances.
§ 120-234 - Committee authority.
§ 120-235 - Committee subcommittees; noncommittee membership.