120-19.9. Local acts affecting State highway system to be considered by transportation committees.
Any local bill affecting the State highway system shall, prior to its passage, be referred to a committee of either the House or Senate charged with the responsibility of examining bills or issues related to transportation or to the State highway system. (1987, c. 747, s. 24.)
Structure North Carolina General Statutes
North Carolina General Statutes
Chapter 120 - General Assembly
Article 5A - Committee Activity.
§ 120-19.1 - Hearings; examination of witnesses; counsel.
§ 120-19.2 - Invitations to witnesses; when hearings and examinations held; subpoenas.
§ 120-19.3 - Witness fees and expenses.
§ 120-19.4 - Failure to respond to subpoena or refusal to testify punishable as contempt.
§ 120-19.5 - Committee staff assistance.
§ 120-19.6 - Interim committee activity; rules.