120-157.3. Organization of Committee.
(a) The President Pro Tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall each designate a cochair of the Joint Legislative Committee on Local Government. The Committee may meet on days when the members of the General Assembly are entitled to subsistence pursuant to G.S. 120-3.1 and may meet at other times upon the joint call of the cochairs.
(b) A quorum of the Committee is eight members. No action may be taken except by a majority vote at a meeting at which a quorum is present. While in the discharge of its official duties, the Committee has the power of a joint committee under G.S. 120-19 and G.S. 120-19.1 thorough G.S. 120-19.4.
(c) Members of the Committee may receive subsistence and travel expenses as provided in G.S. 120-3.1. The Committee may contract for consultants or hire employees in accordance with G.S. 120-32.02. The Legislative Services Commission, through the Legislative Services Officer, shall assign professional staff to assist the Committee in its work. Upon the direction of the Legislative Services Commission, the Supervisors of Clerks of the Senate and of the House of Representatives shall assign clerical staff to the Committee. The expenses for clerical employees shall be borne by the Committee. (2011-291, s. 1.8(a).)
Structure North Carolina General Statutes
North Carolina General Statutes
Chapter 120 - General Assembly
Article 20 - Joint Legislative Committee on Local Government.
§ 120-157.1 - Committee established.
§ 120-157.2 - Purpose and powers of Committee.
§ 120-157.3 - Organization of Committee.
§ 120-157.4 - Additional powers.
§ 120-158 - Creation of Municipal Incorporations Subcommittee.
§ 120-166 - Additional criteria; nearness to another municipality.
§ 120-167 - Additional criteria; population.
§ 120-168 - Additional criteria; development.
§ 120-169 - Additional criteria; area unincorporated.
§ 120-170 - Findings as to services.
§ 120-171 - Procedures if findings made.