North Carolina General Statutes
Article 19 - Agriculture and Forestry Awareness Study Commission.
§ 120-154 - Duties.

120-154. Duties.
The Commission shall bring to the attention of the General Assembly the influence of agriculture and forestry on the economy of the State, develop alternatives for increasing the public awareness of agriculture and forestry, study the present status of agriculture and forestry, identify problems limiting future growth and development of the industry, develop an awareness of the importance of science and technological development to the future of agriculture and forestry industries, and formulate plans for new State initiatives and support for agriculture and forestry and for the expansion of opportunities in these sectors.
In conducting its study the Commission may hold public hearings and meetings across the State.
The Commission shall report to the General Assembly at least one month prior to the first regular session of each General Assembly. (1985, c. 792, s. 20.1; 1991 (Reg. Sess., 1992), c. 785, s. 3.)