North Carolina General Statutes
Article 8 - Proprietary Schools.
§ 115D-89.1 - State Board of Proprietary Schools.

115D-89.1. State Board of Proprietary Schools.
(a) The State Board of Proprietary Schools is established in the North Carolina Community Colleges System Office.
(b) The State Board of Proprietary Schools shall consist of seven members as follows:
(1) The President of the North Carolina Community College System or the President's designee.
(2) Two members appointed by the Governor.
(3) Two members appointed by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, one of whom shall be the owner or director of a proprietary school licensed in the State with less than 100 total annual enrollment of students and one the owner or director of a proprietary school or group of proprietary schools licensed in the State with more than 750 total annual enrollment of students.
(4) Two members appointed by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, one of whom shall be the owner or director of a proprietary school licensed in the State with between 100 and 750 total annual enrollment of students and one the owner or director of a proprietary school licensed in the State.
The appointing authorities shall appoint members who have a demonstrated history of experience in proprietary or public postsecondary education, an understanding of standards of quality in postsecondary education, and leadership beyond a particular institution.
(c) No member of the General Assembly, spouse of a member of the General Assembly, or officer or employee of the State shall be eligible to serve on the State Board of Proprietary Schools as appointed members.
(d) One initial member appointed by each appointing authority shall be appointed for a term ending December 30, 2014; the other member shall be appointed for a term ending December 30, 2017. Subsequent appointments shall be for six-year terms beginning on January 1. No person shall be appointed or elected to more than two consecutive six-year terms.
Vacancies in appointments made by the Governor shall be filled by the Governor. Vacancies in the appointments made by the General Assembly shall be filled in accordance with G.S. 120-122.
(e) The State Board of Proprietary Schools may declare vacant the office of a member who does not attend three consecutive scheduled meetings without justifiable excuse. The Chair of the State Board of Proprietary Schools shall notify the appropriate appointing authority of any such vacancy.
(f) The State Board of Proprietary Schools shall elect from its membership a chair and such other officers as it may deem necessary. Officers shall serve for a term of two years.
(g) The State Board of Proprietary Schools shall meet at stated times established by the State Board of Proprietary Schools but not less frequently than four times a year. Special meetings of the State Board of Proprietary Schools may be set at any regular meeting or may be called by the chair. A majority of the qualified members of the State Board of Proprietary Schools shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. (2011-308, s. 1.)