115C-567.1. Outreach and assistance for parents and students. [Effective until July 1, 2022]
(a) The State Education Assistance Authority, in its administration of scholarship programs for eligible students pursuant to Part 2A of this Article, Article 41 of this Chapter, and Part 1H of Article 9 of this Chapter may contract with a nonprofit corporation representing parents and families, for outreach and scholarship education, program promotion, and application assistance for parents and students. The Authority shall issue a request for proposals in order to enter into a contract with a nonprofit corporation that meets the following requirements during the term of the contract:
(1) Be a nonprofit corporation organized pursuant to Chapter 55A of the General Statutes and comply at all times with the provisions of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
(2) Employ sufficient staff who have demonstrated a capacity of direct parent and family outreach, program promotion, procedural knowledge to assist parents through scholarship application process and provide guidance on the scholarship grant program, including by doing the following:
a. One-on-one parent and family engagement.
b. Scholarship education and public awareness.
(3) Comply with the limitations on lobbying set forth in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
(4) Have no State officer or employee serving on the board of the nonprofit.
(5) Conduct at least quarterly meetings of the board of directors of the nonprofit at the call of its chair.
(b) The terms of the contract between the Authority and a nonprofit corporation shall require that the nonprofit (i) maintain the confidentiality of any information provided by the Authority for parents and students as directed by the Authority and (ii) not disseminate information to third parties without written parental consent. During the term of the contract provided for in this section, the Authority shall include on scholarship applications a statement for parents to indicate nonconsent for sharing information with a nonprofit corporation.
(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, during the term of the contract provided for in this section, the Authority may share the name, address, email, and telephone number of the parent of any student applicant, unless the parent indicates that the information should not be shared. (2021-180, s. 8A.3(h).)
115C-567.1. Outreach and assistance for parents and students. [Effective July 1, 2022]
(a) The State Education Assistance Authority, in its administration of scholarship programs for eligible students pursuant to Part 2A of this Article and Article 41 of this Chapter may contract with a nonprofit corporation representing parents and families, for outreach and scholarship education, program promotion, and application assistance for parents and students. The Authority shall issue a request for proposals in order to enter into a contract with a nonprofit corporation that meets the following requirements during the term of the contract:
(1) Be a nonprofit corporation organized pursuant to Chapter 55A of the General Statutes and comply at all times with the provisions of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
(2) Employ sufficient staff who have demonstrated a capacity of direct parent and family outreach, program promotion, procedural knowledge to assist parents through scholarship application process and provide guidance on the scholarship grant program, including by doing the following:
a. One-on-one parent and family engagement.
b. Scholarship education and public awareness.
(3) Comply with the limitations on lobbying set forth in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
(4) Have no State officer or employee serving on the board of the nonprofit.
(5) Conduct at least quarterly meetings of the board of directors of the nonprofit at the call of its chair.
(b) The terms of the contract between the Authority and a nonprofit corporation shall require that the nonprofit (i) maintain the confidentiality of any information provided by the Authority for parents and students as directed by the Authority and (ii) not disseminate information to third parties without written parental consent. During the term of the contract provided for in this section, the Authority shall include on scholarship applications a statement for parents to indicate nonconsent for sharing information with a nonprofit corporation.
(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, during the term of the contract provided for in this section, the Authority may share the name, address, email, and telephone number of the parent of any student applicant, unless the parent indicates that the information should not be shared. (2021-180, s. 8A.3(h), (q).)
Structure North Carolina General Statutes
North Carolina General Statutes
Chapter 115C - Elementary and Secondary Education
Article 39 - Nonpublic Schools.
§ 115C-548 - Attendance; health and safety regulations.
§ 115C-549 - Standardized testing requirements.
§ 115C-550 - High school competency testing.
§ 115C-551 - Voluntary participation in the State programs.
§ 115C-552 - New school notice requirements; termination.
§ 115C-553 - Duly authorized representative.
§ 115C-554 - Requirements exclusive.
§ 115C-555 - Qualification of nonpublic schools[Effective until July 1, 2022]
§ 115C-556 - Attendance; health and safety regulations.
§ 115C-557 - Standardized testing requirements.
§ 115C-558 - High school competency testing.
§ 115C-559 - Voluntary participation in the State programs.
§ 115C-560 - New school notice requirements; termination.
§ 115C-561 - Duly authorized representative.
§ 115C-562 - Requirements exclusive.
§ 115C-562.2 - Scholarship grants.
§ 115C-562.3 - Verification of eligibility; information from other State agencies.
§ 115C-562.6 - Scholarship endorsement.
§ 115C-562.7 - Authority reporting requirements.
§ 115C-562.8 - The Opportunity Scholarship Grant Fund Reserve.
§ 115C-564 - Qualifications and requirements.
§ 115C-565 - Requirements exclusive.
§ 115C-566 - Driving eligibility certificates; requirements.
§ 115C-566.1 - Disclosure of student data and records by nonpublic schools.
§ 115C-567.1 - Outreach and assistance for parents and students[Effective until July 1, 2022]
§ 115C-567.11 - Tuition liability limitation.