115C-108.2. Interlocal cooperation.
The Board, any two or more local educational agencies, and any other agency and any State department, agency, or division having responsibility for the education, treatment, or habilitation of children with disabilities may enter into interlocal cooperative undertakings under Part 1 of Article 20 of Chapter 160A of the General Statutes or into undertakings with a State agency such as the Departments of Public Instruction, Health and Human Services, or Public Safety, or their divisions, agencies, or units, for the purpose of providing for the special education and related services, treatment, or habilitation of these children within the jurisdiction of the agency or unit, and shall do so when it is unable to provide the appropriate public special education or related services for these children. In entering into such undertakings, the local agency and State department, agency, or division shall also contract to provide the special education or related services that are educationally appropriate to the children with disabilities for whose benefit the undertaking is made and provide these services by or in the local agency unit or State department, agency, or division located in the place most convenient to these children. (1977, c. 927, s. 1; 1981, c. 423, s. 1; 1997-443, s. 11A.118(a); 1998-202, s. 4(m); 2000-137, s. 4(p); 2006-69, s. 2; 2017-186, s. 2(bbbbb).)
Structure North Carolina General Statutes
North Carolina General Statutes
Chapter 115C - Elementary and Secondary Education
Article 9 - Education of Children With Disabilities.
§ 115C-106.3 - Definitions[Effective until January 1, 2023]
§ 115C-107.1 - Free appropriate public education; ages.
§ 115C-107.2 - Duties of State Board of Education.
§ 115C-107.4 - Monitoring and enforcement.
§ 115C-107.5 - Annual reports.
§ 115C-107.6 - Duties of local educational agencies[Effective until January 1, 2023]
§ 115C-107.7 - Discipline, corporal punishment, and homebound instruction.
§ 115C-108.1 - State Board lead agency[Effective until January 1, 2023]
§ 115C-108.2 - Interlocal cooperation.
§ 115C-109.1 - Handbook for parents.
§ 115C-109.2 - Adult children with disabilities; surrogate parents.
§ 115C-109.3 - Access to records; opportunity for parents to participate in meetings.
§ 115C-109.5 - Prior written notice.
§ 115C-109.6 - Impartial due process hearings.
§ 115C-109.7 - Resolution session.
§ 115C-109.8 - Procedural issues.
§ 115C-110.1 - Teacher qualifications.
§ 115C-110.2 - Interpreters/transliterators.
§ 115C-111.1 - Out-of-state students; eligibility for State funds.
§ 115C-111.2 - Contracts with private service providers.
§ 115C-111.3 - Cost of education of children in group homes, foster homes, etc.
§ 115C-111.5 - Allocation of federal funds.
§ 115C-111.6 - Obligation to provide services for preschool children with disabilities.
§ 115C-112.1 - Establishment; organization; powers and duties[Effective until January 1, 2023]
§ 115C-127 through 115C-128 - 115C-127, 115C-128Recodified as §§ 143B-164.10 and 143B-164.13.
§ 115C-130 through 115C-133 - Recodified as §§ 143B-164.14 through 143B-164.17.