108D-5.5. PHP requests for disenrollment.
(a) In General. - A PHP requesting disenrollment of an enrollee from the PHP shall submit a written request for disenrollment to the enrollment broker.
(b) Limitations on PHP Requests for Disenrollment. - A PHP shall not request disenrollment of an enrollee from the PHP for any reason prohibited by 42 C.F.R. 438.56(b)(2). A PHP may request disenrollment of an enrollee only when both of the following criteria are met:
(1) The enrollee's behavior seriously hinders the PHP's ability to care for the enrollee or other enrollees of the PHP.
(2) The PHP has documented efforts to resolve the issues that form the basis of the request for disenrollment of the enrollee. (2019-81, s. 1(a).)
Structure North Carolina General Statutes
North Carolina General Statutes
Chapter 108D - Medicaid and NC Health Choice Managed Care Programs
Article 1A - Disenrollment from Prepaid Health Plans.
§ 108D-5.1 - (Effective until contingency met see note) General provisions.
§ 108D-5.3 - Enrollee requests for disenrollment.
§ 108D-5.5 - PHP requests for disenrollment.
§ 108D-5.9 - Appeals of adverse disenrollment determinations.