North Carolina General Statutes
Article 31 - Supplemental Proceedings.
§ 1-359 - Debtors of judgment debtor may satisfy execution.

1-359. Debtors of judgment debtor may satisfy execution.
(a) After the issuing of an execution against property, all persons indebted to the judgment debtor, or to any one of several debtors in the same judgment, may pay to the sheriff the amount of their debt, or as much thereof as is necessary to satisfy the execution; and the sheriff's receipt is a sufficient discharge for the amount paid.
(b) When the Division of Employment Security of the Department of Commerce prevails in a civil action against an employer to collect unpaid employment taxes under G.S. 96-10(b), the Division may attach or garnish the employer's credit card receipts or other third-party payments in payment of the unpaid taxes in the manner provided by subsection (a) of this section. Direct receipt by the Division is a sufficient discharge for the amount paid by a credit card company, clearinghouse, or third-party payment processor.
(c) When the State Health Plan for Teachers and State Employees prevails in a civil action against a provider to collect an overpayment, the State Health Plan may attach or garnish the provider's credit card receipts or other third-party payments in payment of the amount owed in the manner provided by subsection (a) of this section. Direct receipt by the State Health Plan is a sufficient discharge for the amount paid by a credit card company, clearinghouse, or third-party payment processor.
(d) In addition to the intercept authority under G.S. 135-8(f) and G.S. 128-30(g), when the Teachers' and State Employees' Retirement System of North Carolina, the Disability Income Plan of North Carolina, or the North Carolina Local Government Employees' Retirement System prevails in a civil action against a participating employer, as defined under G.S. 135-1 or G.S. 128-21, to collect monies owed, the Teachers' and State Employees' Retirement System of North Carolina, the Disability Income Plan of North Carolina, or the North Carolina Local Government Employees' Retirement System may attach or garnish the employer's credit card receipts or other third-party payments in payment of the amount owed in the manner provided by subsection (a) of this section. Direct receipt by the Teachers' and State Employees' Retirement System of North Carolina, the Disability Income Plan of North Carolina, or the North Carolina Local Government Employees' Retirement System is a sufficient discharge for the amount paid by a credit card company, clearinghouse, or third-party payment processor. (C.C.P., s. 265; Code, s. 489; Rev., s. 674; C.S., s. 718; 2015-238, s. 2.5(a); 2018-52, s. 4; 2020-48, s. 1.19.)