North Carolina General Statutes
Article 29B - Execution Sales.
§ 1-339.60 - Time of sale.

1-339.60. Time of sale.
(a) A sale shall begin at the time designated in the notice of sale or as soon thereafter as practicable, but not later than one hour after the time fixed therefor unless it is delayed by other sales held at the same place.
(b) No sale shall commence before 10:00 o'clock A.M. or after 4:00 o'clock P.M.
(c) No sale shall continue after 4:00 o'clock P.M., except that in cities or towns of more than 5,000 inhabitants, as shown by the most recent federal census, sales of personal property may continue until 10:00 o'clock P.M. (1949, c. 719, s. 1.)

Structure North Carolina General Statutes

North Carolina General Statutes

Chapter 1 - Civil Procedure

Article 29B - Execution Sales.

§ 1-339.41 - Definitions.

§ 1-339.42 - Clerk's authority to fix procedural details.

§ 1-339.43 - Days on which sale may be held.

§ 1-339.44 - Place of sale.

§ 1-339.45 - Presence of personal property at sale required.

§ 1-339.46 - Sale as a whole or in parts.

§ 1-339.47 - Sale to be made for cash.

§ 1-339.48 - Life of execution.

§ 1-339.49 - Penalty for selling contrary to law.

§ 1-339.50 - Officer's return of no sale for want of bidders; penalty.

§ 1-339.51 - Contents of notice of sale.

§ 1-339.52 - Posting and publishing notice of sale of real property.

§ 1-339.53 - Posting notice of sale of personal property.

§ 1-339.54 - Notice to judgment debtor of sale of real property.

§ 1-339.55 - Notification of Governor and Attorney General.

§ 1-339.56 - Exception; perishable property.

§ 1-339.57 - Satisfaction of judgment before sale completed.

§ 1-339.58 - Postponement of sale.

§ 1-339.59 - Procedure upon dissolution of order restraining or enjoining sale.

§ 1-339.60 - Time of sale.

§ 1-339.61 - Continuance of uncompleted sale.

§ 1-339.62 - Delivery of personal property; bill of sale.

§ 1-339.63 - Report of sale.

§ 1-339.64 - Upset bid on real property; compliance bond.

§ 1-339.65 - Separate upset bids when real property sold in parts; subsequent procedure.

§ 1-339.66A - Ordering resale of real property after upset bid.

§ 1-339.67 - Confirmation of sale of real property.

§ 1-339.68 - Deed for real property sold; property subject to liens; orders for possession.

§ 1-339.69 - Failure of bidder to comply with bid; resale.

§ 1-339.70 - Disposition of proceeds of sale.

§ 1-339.71 - Special proceeding to determine ownership of surplus.