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10 - Declaration of Policy. - § 10. Declaration of policy. It is hereby declared to...
11 - Department of Transportation; Commissioner. - § 11. Department of transportation; commissioner. There shall be in...
12 - Offices of the Department. - § 12. Offices of the department. The principal office of...
13 - Organization of Department; Officers and Employees. - § 13. Organization of department; officers and employees. 1. The...
14 - General Functions, Powers and Duties of Department. - (a) officials of departments and agencies of the state having...
14-A - Preservation of Agricultural Lands, Public Park and Recreational Lands, Wildlife and Waterfowl Refuges and Historical Sites. - § 14-a. Preservation of agricultural lands, public park and recreational...
14-B - Highway Safety Powers and Duties. - § 14-b. Highway safety powers and duties. The department of...
14-C - Intercity Rail Passenger Service Program. - § 14-c. Intercity rail passenger service program. * 1. The...
14-D - Rail Service Preservation. - § 14-d. Rail service preservation. 1. Authorization is hereby given...
14-E - Development of Transportation Corridors; Multiple Use Outside the Counties of Kings and Queens of Right of Way. - § 14-e. Development of transportation corridors; multiple use outside the...
14-F - Transportation of Hazardous Materials. - (a) Have the power to make rules and regulations governing...
14-G - Intercity Bus Passenger Service Preservation. - § 14-g. Intercity bus passenger service preservation. 1. Authorization is...
14-H - Airport Preservation. - § 14-h. Airport preservation. 1. In order to preserve and...
14-I - Long Island Expressway; Design and Construction. - § 14-i. Long Island expressway; design and construction. 1. The...
14-J - Special Rail and Aviation Transportation Program. - § 14-j. Special rail and aviation transportation program. 1. The...
14-K - Multi-Modal Program. - (a) project costs for construction, reconstruction, improvement, reconditioning and preservation...
14-L - Airport Improvement and Revitalization. - (b) Improvements pursuant to this section may be made for...
14-M - Airport Security. - (b) the term "aircraft" shall have the same meaning as...
14-N - Information Concerning Services for Human Trafficking Victims in Commercial Service Airports and General Aviation Airports. - (a) the office of temporary and disability assistance in consultation...
15 - Comprehensive Statewide Master Plan for Transportation. - (ii) officials and representatives of public corporations as defined in...
15-A - Metropolitan Planning Organization and Participants; Certain Functions. - (a) to develop long-range regional transportation plans for submission to...
15-B - New York City Accessible Transportation System; New York City Transportation Disabled Committee. - (1) Service areas and routes. In determining such areas and...
15-C - Accessible Public Transportation. - (i) service areas and routes which shall reflect residential distributions...
16 - Delegation of Powers and Duties. - § 16. Delegation of powers and duties. The commissioner may,...
17 - State Advances to Authorities for Preparation of Plans. - § 17. State advances to authorities for preparation of plans....
17-A - Reports of Regional Transportation Authorities; Certain Cases. - § 17-a. Reports of regional transportation authorities; certain cases. 1....
17-B - Public Transportation Safety Plans; Filing. - § 17-b. Public transportation safety plans; filing. 1. Notwithstanding the...
18 - Acquisition of Abandoned Railroad Transportation Property. - (a) property noncontiguous to line rights of way and yards,...
18-A - Statewide Mass Transportation Operating Assistance Program. - *§ 18-a. Statewide mass transportation operating assistance program. 1. Within...
18-B - Statewide Mass Transportation Operating Assistance Program. - (i) In the case of commuter rail, by adding the...
19 - Interstate High Speed Intercity Rail Passenger Network Compact. - § 19. Interstate high speed intercity rail passenger network compact....
20 - Nighttime Work on Major Capital Construction Projects on Highways, Expressways and Parkways. - § 20. Nighttime work on major capital construction projects on...
21 - Single Audit Program. - (a) the "schedule of state transportation assistance expended"; (b) compliance...
22 - Work Zone Safety and Enforcement. - § 22. Work zone safety and enforcement. The department shall,...