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590 - Rights to Benefits. - (b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the maximum benefit amount shall not...
591 - Eligibility for Benefits. - (b) The term "vacation period", as used in this subdivision,...
591-A - Self-Employment Assistance Program. - (a) individuals who meet the requirements described in paragraph (c)...
592 - Suspension of Accumulation of Benefit Rights. - (b) Benefits shall not be suspended under this section if:...
593 - Disqualification for Benefits. - (b) A claimant shall not be disqualified from receiving benefits...
594 - Reduction and Recovery of Benefits and Penalties for Wilful False Statement. - (3) The penalty provided in this section shall not be...
595 - Benefit Right Inalienable. - § 595. Benefit right inalienable. 1. Waiver agreement void. No...
596 - Claim Filing, Registration, and Reporting. - (b) Notwithstanding the provisions of section five hundred ninety-five of...
597 - Initial Determination. - (b) Whenever a claimant's base period includes a completed calendar...
598 - Effect of Payments for Failure to Provide Notice of a Facility Closure. - § 598. Effect of payments for failure to provide notice...
599 - Career and Related Training; Preservation of Eligibility. - (a) (1) the training will upgrade the claimant's existing skill...
600 - Effect of Retirement Payments. - (b) The claimant's benefit rate shall be reduced by the...
601 - Extended Benefits. - (a) (1) There shall be a "state 'on' indicator" for...