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170 - Department of Taxation and Finance. - (b) A request for a conciliation conference shall be applied...
171 - Powers and Duties of Commissioner of Taxation and Finance. - (1) the taxpayer and spouse filing the joint return are,...
171-A - Deposit and Disposition of Revenue. - * § 171-a. Deposit and disposition of revenue. 1. All...
171-A*2 - Statewide Wage Reporting System. - (2) Such system shall be designed in a manner compatible...
171-B - Verification of Income. - (2) Verification of income information and information under subdivision four...
171-C - Certain Overpayments Credited Against Past-Due Support. - (2) Such agreement shall apply to past-due support which is...
171-D - Certain Overpayments Credited Against Defaulted Governmental Education Loans. - (2) Such agreement shall apply only to the amount of...
171-E - Certain Overpayments Credited Against National Defense/national Direct, Health Professions or Nursing Student Loans. - (2) The commissioner of taxation and finance, on behalf of...
171-F - Certain Overpayments Credited Against Outstanding Debts Owed to a State Agency. - (2) The commissioner of taxation and finance, upon agreement with...
171-G - Provision of Income Information. - (2) Such agreement shall include: (a) the procedure under which...
171-H - State Directory of New Hires. - (2) Definitions. For the purposes of this section, the terms...
171-I - Enforcement of Child Support and Combined Child and Spousal Support Arrears. - (a) the criteria for determining cases subject to referral to...
171-J - Verification of Payroll Records. - (2) Verification of information under subdivision one of this section...
171-K - Electronic Signature. - § 171-k. Electronic signature. If any return or report relating...
171-L - Certain Overpayments Credited Against Outstanding Tax Debt Owed to the City of New York. - (a) "taxpayer" shall mean a corporation, association, company, partnership, estate,...
171-M - Certain New York City Tax Overpayments Credited Against Outstanding Debts Owed to the State of New York. - (a) "judgment" shall mean a warrant filed with a county...
171-N - Certain Overpayments Credited Against Outstanding Tax Debts Owed to Other States. - (a) "overpayment" means an amount requested for refund or otherwise...
171-P - Costs or Fees Imposed by the United States or Other States for Crediting Tax Overpayments Against Outstanding Tax Debts Owed to the State of New York. - (a) "overpayment" means the amount requested for refund or otherwise...
171-R - Brownfield Credit Report. - (b) The brownfield credit report must contain the following information...
171-T - Reciprocal Offset Agreements With the United States or Other States. - (a) "Claimant" means any state or the United States that...
171-U - Verification of Income Eligibility for Basic Star Exemption. - (2) The commissioner shall further develop procedures by which each...
171-V - Enforcement of Delinquent Tax Liabilities Through the Suspension of Drivers' Licenses. - (2) The agreement shall include the following provisions: (a) the...
171-W - State Support for the Local Enforcement of Past-Due Property Taxes. - (a) "Delinquent property owner" means a STAR recipient whose primary...
171-Z - Information Sharing With the Comptroller Regarding Unclaimed Funds. - § 171-z. Information sharing with the comptroller regarding unclaimed funds....
171-AA - E-File Authorizations Collected by Tax Return Preparers. - (1) "E-file authorization" is a record collected by a tax...
172 - Official Seal. - § 172. Official seal. The commissioner of taxation and finance...
173 - Review by Commissioner. - § 173. Review by commissioner. The commissioner shall act as...
173-A - Hearing Rights Upon Notice and Demand - (b) Exceptions to applicability. This section shall not apply to...
174 - Oaths, Acknowledgments, Subpoenas and Commissions to Take Testimony. - § 174. Oaths, acknowledgments, subpoenas and commissions to take testimony....
174-A - Duration of Warrant Liens on Real Property. - § 174-a. Duration of warrant liens on real property. 1....
174-B - Limitation on the Time to Collect Tax Liabilities. - § 174-b. Limitation on the time to collect tax liabilities....
174-C - Service of Income Execution Without Filing a Warrant. - * § 174-c. Service of income execution without filing a...
175 - Manner of Execution of Instruments by the Commissioner. - § 175. Manner of execution of instruments by the commissioner....
176 - Transfer of the Powers and Duties of the Comptroller in Relation to the Assessment or Collection of Certain Taxes. - § 176. Transfer of the powers and duties of the...
177 - Construction. - § 177. Construction. Wherever the terms "board of tax commissioners,"...
179 - Definitions. - § 179. Definitions. 1. For purposes of this article, Internet...
180 - Independent Analysis. - (a) Such economic impact firm shall be prohibited from providing...