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2994-AA - Definitions. - § 2994-aa. Definitions. 1. "Adult" means any person who is...
2994-BB - General Provisions. - (b) A nonhospital order not to resuscitate shall not constitute...
2994-CC - Consent to a Nonhospital Order Not to Resuscitate. - (b) When the concurrence of a second physician, nurse practitioner...
2994-DD - Managing a Nonhospital Order Not to Resuscitate. - § 2994-dd. Managing a nonhospital order not to resuscitate. 1....
2994-EE - Obligation to Honor a Nonhospital Order Not to Resuscitate. - (a) They believe in good faith that consent to the...
2994-FF - Interinstitutional Transfer. - § 2994-ff. Interinstitutional transfer. If a patient with a nonhospital...
2994-GG - Immunity. - § 2994-gg. Immunity. No person shall be subjected to criminal...