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Title 2 - Accident Prevention
255 - Elevators and Hoistways. - § 255. Elevators and hoistways. Every elevator used in connection...
257 - Illumination. - § 257. Illumination. 1. In every factory proper lighting shall...
Title 3 - Fire Hazard
260 - Incombustible, Fireproof and Fire-Resisting or Fire-Resistive Material. - § 260. Incombustible, fireproof and fire-resisting or fire-resistive material. 1....
261 - Fire Door. - § 261. Fire door. "Fire door" means a door constructed...
262 - Fireproof Window or Fire Window. - § 262. Fireproof window or fire window. "Fireproof window" or...
263 - Fireproof Partition or Fire Partition. - § 263. Fireproof partition or fire partition. "Fireproof partition" or...
264 - Fireproof Building. - (1) If the windows are located more than thirty feet...
265 - Fire Wall. - § 265. Fire wall. "Fire wall" means a wall which...
266 - Exterior Enclosed Fireproof Stairway. - § 266. Exterior enclosed fireproof stairway. "Exterior enclosed fireproof stairway"...
267 - Horizontal Exit. - § 267. Horizontal exit. 1. "Horizontal exit" means the connection...
268 - Exterior Screened Stairway. - § 268. Exterior screened stairway. "Exterior screened stairway" means a...
269 - Application of Provisions. - § 269. Application of provisions. 1. The provisions of sections...
270 - Construction of Buildings Erected After October First, Nineteen Hundred and Thirteen. - § 270. Construction of buildings erected after October first, nineteen...
271 - Requirements for Buildings Erected Before October First, Nineteen Hundred and Thirteen. - § 271. Requirements for buildings erected before October first, nineteen...
272 - Additional Requirements for All Buildings. - § 272. Additional requirements for all buildings. No factory shall...
273 - Fire-Escapes Erected After October First, Nineteen Hundred and Thirteen, on Buildings Theretofore Erected. - § 273. Fire-escapes erected after October first, nineteen hundred and...
274 - Fire-Escapes Erected Before October First, Nineteen Hundred and Thirteen. - § 274. Fire-escapes erected before October first, nineteen hundred and...
275 - Special Laws and Local Ordinances. - § 275. Special laws and local ordinances. The requirements of...
276 - Inspection of Buildings and Approval of Plans. - § 276. Inspection of buildings and approval of plans. 1....
277 - Notice of Issue of Local Construction Permit. - § 277. Notice of issue of local construction permit. The...
278 - Limitation of Number of Occupants. - § 278. Limitation of number of occupants. The number of...
279 - Fire Alarm Signal Systems and Fire Drills. - § 279. Fire alarm signal systems and fire drills. 1....
280 - Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems. - § 280. Automatic fire extinguishing systems. Every factory building erected...
281 - Fireproof Receptacles. - § 281. Fireproof receptacles. Every factory shall be provided with...
282 - Gas Jets and Other Lights. - § 282. Gas jets and other lights. All gas jets...
283 - Smoking. - § 283. Smoking. 1. No person shall smoke in a...
Title 4 - Sanitation
291 - Cleanliness and Safety of Rooms. - § 291. Cleanliness and safety of rooms. Every room in...
292 - Drinking Water. - § 292. Drinking water. There shall be provided in every...
293 - Washrooms. - § 293. Washrooms. 1. There shall be provided and maintained...
294 - Dressing Rooms. - § 294. Dressing rooms. There shall be provided in every...
295 - Waterclosets. - § 295. Waterclosets. 1. There shall be provided for every...
296 - Laundries. - § 296. Laundries. A shop, room or building where one...
297 - Unclean Factories. - § 297. Unclean factories. 1. If the commissioner finds evidence...
299 - Ventilation, Heating and Humidity. - § 299. Ventilation, heating and humidity. 1. Every work room...
300 - Size of Rooms; Air Space per Person. - § 300. Size of rooms; air space per person. No...
Title 5 - Foundries
310 - Foundries. - § 310. Foundries. Foundries shall conform to the provisions of...
Title 6 - Duties of Owners and Occupiers
315 - Definitions. - § 315. Definitions. Whenever used in this article: 1. "Owner"...
316 - Duties of Owners and Occupiers. - § 316. Duties of owners and occupiers. 1. Except as...