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380 - Salary of Interpreters Appointed for Supreme Court by Appellate Division of the First Department. - § 380. Salary of interpreters appointed for supreme court by...
386 - Appointment and Compensation of Court Interpreters Generally. - § 386. Appointment and compensation of court interpreters generally. The...
387 - Temporary Appointment of Interpreters. - § 387. Temporary appointment of interpreters. If the services of...
388 - Polish and Italian Interpreters for Erie County. - § 388. Polish and Italian interpreters for Erie county. The...
389 - Appointment of Additional Interpreter for Westchester County. - § 389. Appointment of additional interpreter for Westchester county. In...
390 - Equal Access to Court Proceedings for Deaf or Hard of Hearing Person. - (b) For purposes of this subdivision, the following terms shall...
391 - Limited English Proficient Litigants' Data. - (a) "primary language" means the dominant language a litigant speaks...