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10 - General Powers and Duties of the Commissioner of Transportation Relating to Highways. - (a) the project for which such facilities are to be...
10-A - Special Powers of the Commissioner of Transportation. - (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, general or special...
10-C - Consolidated Local Highway Assistance Payments. - (a) First, 41.40 percent of moneys so appropriated or authorized...
10-D - Statewide Preventive Maintenance Plan for Highways and Bridges. - (a) "Preventive maintenance" shall mean planned activities undertaken by the...
10-E - Additional Special Powers of the Commissioner of Transportation. - § 10-e. Additional special powers of the commissioner of transportation....
10-F - Long Island Suburban Highway Improvement Program. - (a) reconstruction, replacement, reconditioning, restoration, rehabilitation, and preservation of state,...
10-G - Hudson Valley Suburban Highway Improvement Program. - (a) reconstruction, replacement, reconditioning, restoration, rehabilitation, and preservation of state,...
11 - Maps, Plans, Specifications and Estimates. - § 11. Maps, plans, specifications and estimates. Whenever the commissioner...
12 - Commissioner to Provide for Maintenance, Repair, and for Control of Snow and Ice; Roads and Driveways on State Lands. - (b) In no event shall the state be obligated to...
12-A - The New York State Buy American Salt Act. - (b) If it has been determined by a court or...
13 - Qualifications of Certain Employees. - § 13. Qualifications of certain employees. To the end that...
14 - Rules and Regulations for State Highways. - § 14. Rules and regulations for state highways. The commissioner...
15 - Removal of Vehicles. - § 15. Removal of vehicles. 1. The commissioner of transportation...
16 - Removal of Noxious Weeds and Brush Within State Highways. - § 16. Removal of noxious weeds and brush within state...
17 - Public Hearings. - § 17. Public hearings. To give the public an opportunity...
19 - Planting Trees and Shrubs Along State Highways. - § 19. Planting trees and shrubs along state highways. The...
19-A - Pollinator Friendly Plant Species; Medians. - § 19-a. Pollinator friendly plant species; medians. 1. The commissioner...
20 - Roadside Rest Areas. - § 20. Roadside rest areas. 1. The commissioner of transportation...
21 - Restoration, Preservation and Enhancement of Natural or Scenic Beauty. - § 21. Restoration, preservation and enhancement of natural or scenic...
22 - Multi-Use Areas Adjacent to and Recreational, Natural and Scenic Areas Along State Highways. - § 22. Multi-use areas adjacent to and recreational, natural and...
23 - Rubber-Modified Asphalt Pilot Project. - (a) a comparison of costs of conventional asphalt mixes to...
23*2 - Coal Combustion By-Product Demonstration Project. - (a) a comparison of costs of conventional embankment and fill...