ยง 10. General powers and duties of the corporation relating to
canals. The corporation shall:
1. Have general supervision of the canal system and its operating
personnel and enforce the faithful administration and observance of the
canal law.
2. Appoint and remove all officers and employees in the administration
of canal matters in conformity with the provisions of title nine of
article two of the public authorities law.
3. Provide for all engineering services required in the improvement,
maintenance and repair of the canal system.
4. Cause surveys, maps, plans, specifications and estimates to be made
for the improvement, maintenance and repair of the canal system.
5. Cause plans, specifications and estimates covering canal contracts
to be prepared.
6. Cause inspections of the canal system to be made annually.
7. Determine the boundaries of the districts of the canal system and
change such boundaries when it deems it expedient.
8. Keep and maintain in good condition the canals, canal terminals and
corporation equipment used in the maintenance and repair of the canal
9. Prescribe rules and regulations not inconsistent with law relating
to the navigation, protection and maintenance of the canal system and
enforce such rules and regulations by prescribing fines, penalties or
forfeitures not to exceed one hundred dollars for each offense.
9-a. Undertake lock improvements designed to attract tourists to the
locks and surrounding communities. Such improvements may include, but
not be limited to, comfort stations, information kiosks, picnic tables
and grills, docking facilities, lock beautification, campsites,
telephone service, and trash collection and removal facilities.
10. Enforce compliance with laws, rules and regulations relating to
posting of limited loads and clearances on all bridges over the canal
system under the jurisdiction of the department of transportation
pursuant to section six and article seven of this chapter.
11. Compile statistics relating to the canal system and the traffic
thereon and collect such other information in regard thereto as it shall
deem expedient.
12. Make an annual report to the legislature, covering the calendar
year, on the trade and tonnage handled, on the condition of the canals
and the work and improvements connected therewith.
13. Cause a record to be made and filed on January first, in the
corporation of all expenditures during the previous fiscal year from
moneys appropriated for the canal system.
14. Permit boat owners operating upon the canal system to use state
drydocks while making emergency repairs to their vessels.
15. Grant leases and issue revocable permits pursuant to this chapter.
16. Cause to be removed from canal lands any encroachments which in
its judgment are detrimental.
17. Cause to be acquired lands necessary for canal purposes and cause
to be abandoned such canal lands as are no longer necessary or useful
for canal purposes. The commissioner of environmental conservation shall
be given notice of any lands located within the Adirondack park which
are no longer necessary or useful for canal purposes and which are to be
abandoned, and shall be given sixty days within which to request the
transfer of such lands. Such lands for which such a request has been
made shall be transferred to the department of environmental
18. Accept available federal aid money for the construction,
reconstruction, improvement, restoration, repair, operation, maintenance
or rehabilitation of any section, appurtenances or facility of the Barge
canal system.
19. Investigate all matters relating to the administration and
operation of the canal system and its personnel.
20. Either absolutely, or on such conditions as it prescribes, remit
fines imposed, if in its judgment such action is expedient.
21. Administer, operate and maintain the state-owned hydroelectric
power plants on the Mohawk river at Crescent and Vischer Ferry.
22. When an emergency arises endangering life or the canal system,
seize any lands, equipment or supplies necessary to avert such damage.
23. Prepare an inventory sufficient for planning purposes which
includes at least: (a) a general description of all state-owned property
which comprises the canal system, and where appropriate other
state-owned property contiguous to the canal system, specifying present
use and facilities for public use, including but not limited to parks
and recreation facilities; (b) a description of significant freshwater
wetlands and lands which possess significance for wildlife management,
recreation or natural resource protection purposes within the canal
system; and (c) significant municipal and privately-owned facilities
which serve users of the canal system. Such inventory shall be provided
to the commission no later than July thirty-first, nineteen hundred
24. Prepare on an annual basis a detailed five-year capital plan for
the maintenance and improvement of canal infrastructure. Such plan shall
set system-wide goals and objectives for capital spending and,
commencing January first, nineteen hundred ninety-five, describe the
compatibility of such plan to the canal recreationway plan approved
pursuant to section one hundred thirty-eight-c of this chapter. Such
plan shall include but not be limited to such capital project categories
as locks, canal bridges, channels, shorelines, dams, guard gates, and
other structures necessary for safe and successful operation of the
canal system. The plan shall also include a detailed schedule of all
capital projects which the authority intends to undertake within the
next five years and shall provide the following information for each
such capital project: (a) a description of the project; (b) an
indication of the category into which the project has been classified in
the capital plan; (c) the estimated total cost of the project and
expenditures by year for such project; (d) the actual disbursements by
project for the prior year; and (e) the estimated dates of project
initiation and completion. The plan shall also include a statement of
the mix of financing methods to be used by the authority for financing
the capital plan. The capital plan shall be submitted to the governor,
the temporary president of the senate and the speaker of the assembly on
the first day of January of each year commencing in nineteen hundred
25. Prepare, in consultation with the department of environmental
conservation: (a) a survey of canal lands in the Adirondack park; and
(b) a study of canal lands in the Adirondack park subject to permits,
including the identification of any structures or activities that are
not allowed by law or by such permits. Such survey and study shall be
completed and submitted to the commission no later than January first,
nineteen hundred ninety-four.
26. Perform such other acts as in its judgment constitute a duty
required to efficiently administer the canal system.