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Title A - Duties of Public Officers; Waivers of Rights
95 - Duties of Public Officers. - § 95. Duties of public officers. It shall be the...
96 - Waiver of Rights. - § 96. Waiver of rights. No public officer nor any...
97 - Reports of Appointing Officers; Official Roster. - § 97. Reports of appointing officers; official roster. 1. No...
Title B - Certification of Payrolls; Court Actions
100 - Certification of Payrolls. - (b) The certificate of the civil service department or appropriate...
101 - Misdemeanor to Pay Salary or Compensation for Which Certification Has Been Refused. - § 101. Misdemeanor to pay salary or compensation for which...
102 - Court Proceedings. - § 102. Court proceedings. 1. Action to restrain illegal payment...
Title C - Prohibition Against Certain Activities by Officers and Employees; Penalties
105 - Subversive Activities; Disqualification. - (a) by word of mouth or writing wilfully and deliberately...
106 - Misdemeanor to Obstruct Civil Service Rights; False Representation; Impersonation. - § 106. Misdemeanor to obstruct civil service rights; false representation;...
107 - Prohibition Against Certain Political Activities; Improper Influence. - § 107. Prohibition against certain political activities; improper influence. 1....