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85 - Additional Credit Allowed Veterans in Competitive Examinations; Preference in Retention Upon Abolition of Positions. - (b) The term "disabled veteran" means a veteran who is...
85-A - Additional Credits Allowed Children and Siblings of Firefighters, Police Officers, Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics Killed in the Line of Duty. - (b) Such additional credit shall be added to the final...
85-B - Additional Credits Allowed Children and Siblings of Firefighters and Police Officers Killed in the Line of Duty. - (b) Such additional credit shall be added to the final...
85-C - Additional Credits Allowed the Children and Siblings of Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics Killed in the Line of Duty. - (b) As used in this section "emergency medical technician" shall...
86 - Transfer of Veterans or Exempt Volunteer Firefighters Upon Abolition of Positions. - § 86. Transfer of veterans or exempt volunteer firefighters upon...
87 - Prohibition Against Disqualification on Account of Age or Disability. - § 87. Prohibition against disqualification on account of age or...
88 - Prohibition Against Discrimination Against Public Employees Serving in the Armed Forces. - § 88. Prohibition against discrimination against public employees serving in...