New York Laws
Article 5 - Municipal Aid
99 - Municipal Services.

ยง 99. Municipal services. In connection with projects located within
its respective territorial boundaries, a municipality, a school
district, a fire alarm district, a fire district, a fire protection
district, or an improvement district may, upon such terms, with or
without consideration, as the local legislative body of such
municipality or the governing body of such district may deem advisable,
render or contract to render services to an authority, housing company
or a government, or provide and maintain parks, sewerage, or other
facilities adjacent to or in connection with a project. A municipality
or a district hereinabove described may also render or contract to
render such services and to provide such facilities in connection with
projects located outside its respective territorial boundaries upon such
terms and consideration as shall, in the determination of the local
legislative body of such municipality or the governing body of such
district, which determination shall be conclusive, compensate such
municipality or district for the cost of furnishing such services and
facilities. A municipality may enter into an agreement with an
authority, housing company or a government, upon such terms as it shall
determine, with or without compensation, to open, pave, install, close
or change the grade of streets, roads, roadways, alleys, sidewalks, or
other places, to change the municipal map, to plan, replan, zone or
rezone any section of the municipality. In connection with the exercise
of this power a municipality may, if it deems advisable, incur the
entire expense of any such public improvements located within its
territorial boundaries without assessment against abutting property
owners, or contract with an authority upon such terms, with or without
consideration, as it may deem advisable, with respect to the exercise by
the municipality or government of its powers relating to the repair,
closing or demolition of unsafe, insanitary, or unfit dwellings, and
with respect to aid and cooperation by the municipality or government in
the planning, undertaking, construction or operation of projects.