New York Laws
Article 19-A - Business Improvement Districts
980-I - Amendments to the District Plan.

(b) Amendments to the district plan which provide for additional
improvements or services or any change in the method of assessment upon
which the district charge is based, or an increase only in the amount to
be expended annually for improvements, services, maintenance and
operation may be adopted by local law of the legislative body, provided
that the legislative body shall, after a public hearing, determine that
it is in the public interest to authorize the additional improvements,
services or increase in the maximum annual amount and that the tax and
debt limits prescribed in section nine hundred eighty-k of this article
will not be exceeded. The legislative body shall give notice of the
hearing by publication of a notice in at least one newspaper having
general circulation in the district specifying the time when and the
place where the hearing will be held and stating the increase proposed
in the maximum amount to be expended annually. The notice shall be
published once at least ten days prior to the date specified for the
(c) Amendments to the district plan which provide for the district to
incur indebtedness in order to provide for additional improvements or
which provide for an increase in the total maximum amount to be expended
for improvements in the district, may be adopted by local law of the
legislative body, provided that the legislative body shall, after a
public hearing, determine that it is in the public interest to authorize
the district to incur indebtedness to provide for additional
improvements or to increase the maximum total amount to be expended for
improvements in the district and that the tax and debt limits prescribed
in section nine hundred eighty-k of this article will not be exceeded.
Notice of the hearing shall be published and mailed in the manner
provided in section nine hundred eighty-e of this article. The local law
adopted pursuant to this subdivision shall not be effective until
reviewed by the state comptroller in accordance with section nine
hundred eighty-g of this article.