New York Laws
Article 6 - Funds of the State
97-PP - New York State Emergency Services Revolving Loan Account.

(i) Purchasing fire fighting apparatus. A loan for purchasing fire
fighting apparatus shall not exceed the lesser of three hundred
seventy-five thousand dollars or seventy-five percent of the cost of the
fire fighting apparatus; provided, however, that loans issued in
response to a joint application shall not exceed the lesser of five
hundred fifty thousand dollars or seventy-five percent of the cost of
the fire fighting apparatus.
(ii) Purchasing ambulances or rescue vehicles. A loan for purchasing
an ambulance or a rescue vehicle shall not exceed the lesser of two
hundred twenty-five thousand dollars or seventy-five percent of the cost
of the ambulance or rescue vehicle; provided, however, that loans issued
in response to a joint application shall not exceed the lesser of three
hundred fifty thousand dollars or seventy-five percent of the cost of
the ambulance or rescue vehicle.
(iii) Purchasing protective equipment or communication equipment. A
loan for purchasing protective equipment or communication equipment or
both shall not exceed two hundred thousand dollars. Communication
equipment purchased with such loan shall, to the maximum extent
practicable, be compatible with the communication equipment of adjacent
services and jurisdictions; provided, however, that loans issued in
response to a joint application shall not exceed two hundred sixty-five
thousand dollars.
(iv) Repairing or rehabilitating fire fighting apparatus, ambulances,
or rescue vehicles. A loan for repairing or rehabilitating fire fighting
apparatus, ambulances, or rescue vehicles shall not exceed the lesser of
two hundred thousand dollars or one hundred percent of the cost of the
repair or rehabilitation; provided, however, that loans issued in
response to a joint application shall not exceed the lesser of four
hundred thousand dollars or one hundred percent of the cost of the
repair or rehabilitation.
(v) Purchasing accessory equipment. A loan for purchasing accessory
equipment shall not exceed one hundred twenty-five thousand dollars;
provided, however, that loans issued in response to a joint application
shall not exceed one hundred seventy-five thousand dollars.
(vi) Renovating, rehabilitating or repairing facilities that house
firefighting equipment, ambulances, rescue vehicles and related

equipment. A loan for this purpose shall not exceed the lesser of two
hundred fifty thousand dollars or seventy-five percent of the cost of
the project; provided, however, that loans issued in response to a joint
application shall not exceed the lesser of five hundred thousand dollars
or seventy-five percent of the cost of the project.
(vii) Construction costs associated with the establishment of
facilities that house firefighting equipment, ambulances, rescue
vehicles and related equipment. A loan for this purpose shall not exceed
the lesser of five hundred thousand dollars or seventy-five percent of
the cost of the construction, or be used for the payment of fees for
design, planning, preparation of applications or other costs not
directly attributable to land acquisitions or construction; provided,
however, that loans issued in response to a joint application shall not
exceed the lesser of seven hundred fifty thousand dollars or
seventy-five percent of the cost of the construction, or be used for the
payment of fees for design, planning, preparation of applications or
other costs not directly attributable to land acquisitions or
(viii) Construction costs associated with the establishment of
facilities for the purpose of live fire training. A loan for this
purpose shall not be granted if another live fire training facility is
located within the boundaries of the county or within twenty-five miles.
A loan for this purpose shall not exceed the lesser of two hundred fifty
thousand dollars or seventy-five percent of the cost of construction,
provided, however, joint applications shall not exceed the lesser of
four hundred thousand dollars or seventy-five percent of the cost of
construction or be used for the payment of fees for design, planning,
preparation of applications or other costs not directly attributable to
land acquisitions or construction.
(b) No loan authorized by this section shall have an interest rate
exceeding two and one-half percent. No applicant shall receive a loan
for any purpose under paragraph (a) of this subdivision more than once
in any five-year period; provided, however, that joint applicants may
receive up to two loans in any five year period. The minimum amount of
any loan shall be five thousand dollars. The period of any loan shall
not exceed the period of probable usefulness, prescribed by section
11.00 of the local finance law, for the emergency equipment to be
purchased with the proceeds of the loan or, if no period be there
prescribed, five years. The total amount of any interest earned by the
investment or reinvestment of all or part of the principal of any loan
made under this section shall be returned to the commissioner of the
division of homeland security and emergency services for deposit in the
account and shall not be credited as payment of principal or interest on
the loan. The commissioner of the division of homeland security and
emergency services may require security for any loan and may specify the
priority of liens against any emergency equipment wholly or partially
purchased with moneys loaned under this section. The commissioner of the
division of homeland security and emergency services may make loans
under this section subject to such other terms and conditions the
commissioner of the division of homeland security and emergency services
deems proper.
(c) The commissioner of the division of homeland security and
emergency services shall have the power to make such rules and
regulations as may be necessary and proper to effectuate the purposes of
this section.
(d) The commissioner of the division of homeland security and
emergency services shall annually report by March fifteenth to the
governor and the legislature describing the activities and operation of

the loan program authorized by this section. Such report shall set forth
the number of loan applications received and approved; the number of
joint applications received and approved; the names of counties, cities,
towns, villages and fire districts receiving loans together with the
amount and purpose of the loan, the interest rate charged, and the
outstanding balance; and the balance remaining in the New York state
emergency services revolving loan account, along with fund revenues and
expenditures for the previous fiscal year, and projected revenues and
expenditures for the current and following fiscal years.
5. (a) Application for loans may be made by a town, village, city,
fire district, fire protection district, independent, not-for-profit
fire and ambulance corporation or county, other than a county wholly
contained within a city, provided that the application is otherwise
consistent with its respective powers. Applications may also be
submitted jointly by multiple applicants provided that the application
is otherwise consistent with each applicant's respective powers.
(b) Every application shall be in a form acceptable to the
commissioner of the division of homeland security and emergency
services. Every application shall accurately reflect the conditions
which give rise to the proposed expenditure and accurately reflect the
ability of the applicant to make such an expenditure without the
proceeds of a loan under this section.
(c) (i) The commissioner of the division of homeland security and
emergency services shall give preference to those applications which
demonstrate the greatest need, joint applications, and to those
applications the proceeds of which will be applied toward attaining
compliance with federal and state laws and may disapprove any
application which contains no adequate demonstration of need or which
would result in inequitable or inefficient use of the moneys in the
(ii) In making determinations on loan applications, the commissioner
of the division of homeland security and emergency services shall assure
that loan fund moneys are equitably distributed among all sectors of the
emergency services community and all geographical areas of the state.
Loans for the purpose of personal protective firefighting equipment
shall be given preference for a period of two years from the date the
first loan is made. Not less than fifty percent of the loans annually
made shall be made to applicants whose fire protection or ambulance
service is provided by a fire department or ambulance service whose
membership is comprised exclusively of volunteers.
(d) An application or joint application shall not be approved:
(i) if the applicant or applicants are in arrears on any prior loan
under this section,
(ii) if it shall be shown that at any time in the prior ten years the
applicant or applicants used state funds to repay all or part of any
loan made under this section.
(e) The commissioner of the division of homeland security and
emergency services shall, to the maximum extent feasible, and consistent
with the other provisions of this section, seek to provide that loans
authorized by this section reflect an appropriate geographic
distribution, are distributed equitably and encourage regional
6. For purposes of this section, the following terms shall have the
accompanying meanings:
(a) "Fire companies" means (i) a fire company, the members of which
are firefighters, volunteer, paid or both, of a county, city, town,
village, fire district or fire department, or (ii) a fire corporation,
the members of which are firefighters, volunteer, paid or both,

providing fire protection pursuant to a fire protection contract within
a fire protection district of a town.
(b) "Volunteer ambulance service" means an individual, partnership,
association, corporation, municipality or any legal or public entity or
subdivision thereof engaged in providing emergency medical services and
the transportation of sick, disabled or injured persons by motor
vehicle, aircraft or other form of transportation to or from facilities
providing hospital services which is (i) operating not for pecuniary
profit or financial gain, and (ii) no part of the assets or income of
which is distributable to, or inures to the benefit of, its members,
directors or officers.
(c) "Ambulance" means a motor vehicle designed, appropriately
equipped, and used for carrying sick or injured persons.
(d) "Accessory equipment" means equipment necessary to support the
ordinary functions of fire fighting, emergency medical services, or
rescue activities other than communication equipment, protective
equipment, and motor vehicles together with their fixtures and
(e) "Account" means the New York state emergency services revolving
loan account established by this section within the combined expendable
trust fund-020.
(f) "Communication equipment" means any voice or original transmission
system or telemetry system used to enhance fire fighter safety on the
grounds of a fire or other emergency.
(g) "Emergency equipment" means any or all of the following:
ambulances, accessory equipment, communication equipment, fire fighting
apparatus, protective equipment, and rescue vehicles.
(h) "Fire fighting apparatus" means elevated equipment, pumpers,
tankers, ladder trucks, hazardous materials emergency response vehicles,
or other such specially equipped motor vehicles used for fire
protection, together with the fixtures and appointments necessary to
support their functions.
(i) "Joint application" means an application submitted by two or more
towns, villages, cities, fire districts, fire protection districts,
not-for-profit fire and ambulance corporations or counties, other than a
county wholly contained within a city, for any purposes provided in
subdivision four of this section.
(j) "Protective equipment" means any clothing and devices that comply
with occupational safety and health administration standards (federal
occupational safety and health act regulations) used to protect
personnel who provide emergency services from injury while performing
their functions, including, but not limited to, helmets, coats, boots,
eyeshields, gloves and self contained respiratory protection devices.
(k) "Rescue vehicle" means a motor vehicle, other than an ambulance or
fire fighting apparatus, appropriately equipped and used to support fire
department operations and includes a vehicle specifically for carrying
accessory equipment.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

STF - State Finance

Article 6 - Funds of the State

70 - Classification of Funds.

71 - Abolition, Maintenance and Establishment of Funds.

71-A - Funds Established by Law.

71-B - Expenditure of Check-Off Monies.

72 - General Fund.

73 - Federal Interest Subsidy Payments.

74 - Transportation Infrastructure Renewal Fund.

75 - Establishment of Accounts.

76 - Rail Preservation and Development Fund.

77 - Accelerated Capacity and Transportation Improvements Fund.

78 - New York State College Choice Tuition Savings Program Trust Fund.

78-A - New York Higher Education Loan Program Variable Rate Default Reserve Fund.

78-B - New York Higher Education Loan Program Fixed Rate Default Reserve Fund.

79 - World Trade Center Memorial Foundation Fund.

80 - Real Estate Finance Bureau Fund.

80-A - Anti-Discrimination in Housing Fund.

81 - Veterans' Home Assistance Fund.

82 - Gifts to Food Banks Fund.

83 - Conservation Fund.

83-A - Habitat Conservation and Access Account.

84 - The United States Olympic Committee/lake Placid Olympic Training Center Fund.

84-A - Olympic Games Guaranty Fund.

88 - New York State Infrastructure Trust Fund.

88-A - Mass Transportation Operating Assistance Fund.

88-B - Suburban Transportation Fund.

88-D - Airport Improvement and Revitalization Fund.

89-B - Dedicated Highway and Bridge Trust Fund.

89-C - Dedicated Mass Transportation Trust Fund.

89-D - Motor Vehicle Theft and Insurance Fraud Prevention Fund.

89-E - Alzheimer's Disease Assistance Fund.

89-F - Workers' Compensation Security Fund Payment Account.

89-G - Accident Prevention Course Internet, and Other Technology Pilot Program Fund.

89-H - Medical Cannabis Trust Fund.

92-H - Sales Tax Revenue Bond Tax Fund.

92-I - Stock Transfer Incentive Fund.

92-N - Snowmobile Trail Development and Maintenance Fund.

92-P - Voting Machine and System Examination Fund.

92-Q - Housing Assistance Fund.

92-Q*2 - The Institute for the Hudson River Collection Fund.

92-R - Local Government Assistance Tax Fund.

92-S - Environmental Protection Fund.

92-T - New York State Campaign Finance Fund.

92-U - New York State Canal System Development Fund.

92-V - Linked Deposit Program Fund.

92-W - Missing and Exploited Children Clearinghouse Fund.

92-X - Tobacco Settlement Fund.

92-Z - Revenue Bond Tax Fund.

92-AA - Special School Purpose School Aid.

92-BB - Waste Management and Cleanup Fund.

92-CC - Rainy Day Reserve Fund.

92-DD - Health Care Reform Act (Hcra) Resources Fund.

92-EE - New York State Higher Education Endowment.

92-FF - Metropolitan Transportation Authority Financial Assistance Fund.

92-GG - Charitable Gifts Trust Fund.

92-GG*2 - Subway Assistance Fund.

92-HH - Health Care Transformation Fund.

92-II - Metropolitan Transportation Authority Capital Assistance Fund.

92-JJ - Metropolitan Transportation Authority Paratransit Assistance Fund.

93 - Capital Projects Fund.

93-A - New York State Storm Recovery Capital Fund.

93-B - Dedicated Infrastructure Investment Fund.

94 - Court Facilities Incentive Aid Fund.

94-A - New York City County Clerks' Operations Offset Fund.

94-B - Judiciary Data Processing Offset Fund.

95 - Abandoned Property Fund.

95-A - New York State Innovation in Breast Cancer Early Detection and Research Awards Program Fund.

95-B - The New York State "Drive Out Diabetes Research and Education Fund".

95-C - The Marine and Coastal District of New York Conservation, Education, and Research Fund.

95-D - The New York State "Multiple Sclerosis Research Fund".

95-D*2 - "Life Pass It on Trust Fund".

95-E - New York State Prostate and Testicular Cancer Research and Education Fund.

95-E*2 - New York State Autism Awareness and Research Fund.

95-F - The New York State Water Rescue Team Awareness and Research Fund.

95-F*2 - The Eighth Air Force Historical Society Fund.

95-G - Department of Motor Vehicles Distinctive Plate Development Fund.

95-H - Mental Illness Anti-Stigma Fund.

95-I - New York State Als Research and Education Fund.

95-J - The New York State Two Hundred Fiftieth Commemoration Commission Fund.

89-I - Military Family Relief Fund.

89-J - The School Bus Motorist Education Fund.

89-J*2 - Substance Use Disorder Education and Recovery Fund.

90 - New York State Department of Transportation Highway Safety Program Fund.

90-A - New York State Passenger Facility Charge Fund.

91-A - Revenue Arrearage Account.

91-B - Boating Noise Level Enforcement Fund.

91-C - Special Offset Fiduciary Account.

91-D - Recruitment Incentive and Retention Account

91-F - Adult Home Quality Enhancement Fund.

91-G - Senior Wellness in Nutrition Fund.

92 - Tax Stabilization Reserve Fund.

92-B - Stock Transfer Tax Fund.

92-C - State Lottery Fund.

92-D - Municipal Assistance Tax Fund.

92-E - Municipal Assistance State Aid Fund.

92-F - Special Sales and Compensating Use Tax Fund for the City of Yonkers.

92-G - Motorcycle Safety Fund.

95-K - Transgender and Non-Binary (Tgnb) Wellness and Equity Program Fund.

95-K*2 - Lyme and Tick-Borne Diseases Education, Research and Prevention Fund.

96 - The World Trade Center Memorial Scholarship Fund.

97 - Housing Debt Fund, and Urban Renewal Debt Fund.

97-A - Environmental Quality Protection Fund.

97-B - Hazardous Waste Remedial Fund.

97-C - Training and Education Program on Occupational Safety and Health Fund.

97-D - Environmental Quality Bond Act Fund.

97-E - Forest Preserve Expansion Fund.

97-F - Mental Health Services Fund.

97-G - Centralized Services Fund.

97-H - Lake George Park Trust Fund.

97-I - New York State Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund.

97-J - Firearm Violence Research Fund.

97-K - Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Fund.

97-L - Sewage Treatment Program Management and Administration Fund.

97-P - Community College Tuition and Instructional Income Fund.

97-Q - New York State Emergency Medical Services Training Account.

97-R - State Cemetery Vandalism Restoration, Monument Repair or Removal and Administration Fund.

97-S - Nelson A. Rockefeller Empire State Plaza Performing Arts Center Corporation Fund.

97-T - Lawyers' Fund for Client Protection of the State of New York.

97-V - The New York Interest on Lawyer Account (Iola) Fund.

97-V*2 - New York State Musical Instrument Revolving Fund.

97-W - Chemical Dependence Service Fund.

97-X - Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System; Assessment of Annual Fees on General Hospitals.

97-Y - Business and Licensing Services Account.

97-Z - Arts Capital Grants Fund.

97-AA - The New York State "Discover Queens Fund".

97-BB - Criminal Justice Improvement Account.

97-CC - Municipal Gun Buypack Program Fund.

97-DD - Eminent Domain Account.

97-EE - New York Great Lakes Protection Fund.

97-FF - Empire State Entertainment Diversity Job Training Development Fund.

97-GG - Division for Youth Facilities Improvement Fund.

97-HH - Tuition Reimbursement Fund.

97-JJ - Industrial and Utility Service Account.

97-JJ*2 - Not-for-Profit Short-Term Revolving Loan Fund.

97-KK - Local Services Account.

97-LL - Improvement of Real Property Tax Administration Account.

97-MM - State Park Infrastructure Fund.

97-MM*2 - State Police Motor Vehicle Law Enforcement Account.

97-NN - Pet Cemetery and Pet Crematorium Inspection and Licensing Fund.

97-NN*2 - World University Games Fund.

97-NN*3 - "I Love Ny Waterways" Fund.

97-OO - Biodiversity Stewardship and Research Fund.

97-OO*2 - Clean Air Fund.

97-PP - New York State Emergency Services Revolving Loan Account.

97-QQ - Statewide Public Safety Communications Account.

97-RR - Pet Dealer Licensing Fund.

97-TT - Intervenor Account.

97-UU - Legislative Computer Services Fund.

97-VV - Senate Recyclable Materials, Information Services and Conference Fund.

97-WW - Assembly Recyclable Materials, Information Services and Conference Fund.

97-XX - Animal Population Control Fund.

97-YY - Breast Cancer Research and Education Fund.

97-ZZ - Federal Revenue Maximization Contract Fund.

97-AAA - Clean Water/clean Air Bond Fund.

97-BBB - Clean Water/clean Air Fund.

97-DDD - Federal Single Audit Chargeback Account.

97-DDD*2 - Drinking Water Program Management and Administration Fund.

97-DDD*3 - Education Archives Account.

97-EEE - Clean Water/clean Air Implemenation Fund.

97-EEE*2 - Education Library Account.

97-FFF - Summer School of the Arts Account.

97-GGG - Teacher Certification Program Account.

97-HHH - High School Equivalency Account.

97-III - Indirect Cost Recovery Account.

97-JJJ - Rome School for the Deaf Account.

97-KKK - Batavia School for the Blind Account.

97-LLL - Vocational Rehabilitation Fund.

97-MMM - Archives Records Management Account.

97-NNN - Office of the Professions Account.

97-OOO - Department of Corrections and Community Supervision Asset Forfeiture Account.

97-PPP - Education Museum Account.

97-QQQ - Automation and Printing Chargeback Account.

97-RRR - School Tax Relief Fund.

97-RRR*2 - Debt Reduction Reserve Fund.

97-SSS - Charter Schools Stimulus Fund.

97-TTT - Federal Revenue Maximization Contract Fund.

97-UUU - Tax Revenue Arrearage Account.

97-UUU*2 - Transportation Infrastructure Bond Fund.

97-VVV - Universal Prekindergarten Reserve Fund.

97-WWW - Cuba Lake Management Fund.

97-WWW*2 - Quality Child Care and Protection Fund.

97-WWW*3 - Underground Facilities Safety Training Account.

97-WWW*4 - Consumer Protection Account.

97-WWW*5 - Percy T. Phillips Educational Foundation of the Dental Society of the State of New York Fund.

97-XXX - Additional Mass Transportation Assistance Fund.

97-XXX*2 - Agriculture in the Classroom Fund.

97-YYY - Children and Family Services Quality Enhancement Fund.

97-YYY*2 - Domestic Violence Awareness Fund.

97-ZZZ - Cultural Education Account.

97-CCCC - Interest Assessment Surcharge Fund.

97-CCCC*2 - Vital Records Management Account.

97-CCCC*3 - Tobacco Revenue Guarantee Fund.

97-CCCC*4 - Erie Canal Museum Fund.

97-DDDD - Community Mental Health Support and Workforce Reinvestment Account.

97-EEEE - Rebuild and Renew New York Transportation Bond Fund.

97-EEEE*2 - Cultural Resource Survey Account.

97-EEEE*3 - Federal-State Health Reform Partnership Program Account.

97-GGGG - Medicaid Training Contract Account.

97-HHHH - The Student Lending Education Account.

97-IIII - Patient Safety Center Account.

97-JJJJ - Education Assessment Account.

97-KKKK - Intervenor Account.

97-LLLL - Interstate Reciprocity for Post-Secondary Distance Education Account.

97-LLLL*2 - Women's Cancers Education and Prevention Fund.

97-MMMM - Veterans Remembrance and Cemetery Maintenance and Operation Fund.

97-NNNN - Commercial Gaming Revenue Fund.

97-OOOO - Basic Health Program Trust Fund.

97-OOOO*2 - Smart Schools Bond Fund.

97-PPPP - Lupus Research and Education Fund.

97-PPPP*2 - Sickle Cell Disease Research and Education Fund.

97-QQQQ - Cystic Fibrosis Research and Education Fund.

97-RRRR - Lupus Education and Prevention Fund.

97-SSSS - Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma Research, Education and Treatment Fund.

97-SSSS*2 - Elevator and Related Conveyances Safety Program Account.

97-TTTT - Clean Water, Clean Air, and Green Jobs Bond Fund.

97-YYYY - Arts Fund.

97-XXXX - State Health Innovation Plan Account.

97-AAAAA - Opioid Stewardship Fund.

98 - Investment of State Funds.

98-A - Investment of General Funds, Bond Proceeds, and Other Funds Not Immediately Required.

98-B - Indigent Legal Services Fund.

98-C - Legal Services Assistance Fund.

98-D - 1332 State Innovation Program Fund.

99 - Withholding of State Assistance Upon Default in Payment of Bonds Held by the State.

99-A - Justice Court Fund.

99-B - Withholding of State Aid for School Purposes Upon Default in Payment of Obligations of the Prospective Recipient.

99-C - Withholding of State Aid Upon Failure of Municipalities and School Districts to Repay Health Insurance Reserve Receipts When Required.

99-D - City University Stabilization Account.

99-D*2 - Community Projects Fund.

99-E - State University Stabilization Account.

99-F - Spinal Cord Injury Research Trust Fund.

99-H - Tribal-State Compact Revenue Account.

99-H*2 - Teacher Education Accreditation Account.

99-I - Racing Regulation Account.

99-J - Child Performer's Protection Fund.

99-K - Child Performer's Holding Fund.

99-L - Assisted Living Residence Quality Oversight Fund.

99-L*2 - Love Your Library Fund.

99-N - Highway Construction and Maintenance Safety Education Fund.

99-O - Arts Institutions Revolving Loan Fund.

99-P - Empire State Stem Cell Trust Fund.

99-Q - Volunteer Firefighting and Volunteer Emergency Services Recruitment and Retention Fund.

99-S - Youth Facility per Diem Account.

99-T - New York State Medical Indemnity Fund Account.

99-U - New York State Gaming Commission Account.

99-U*2 - New York State Teen Health Education Fund.

99-V - Mortgage Settlement Proceeds Trust Fund.

99-V*2 - Homeless Veterans Assistance Fund.

99-W - Transit Assistance for Capital Investments Fund.

99-W*2 - Suny Dsrip Escrow Fund.

99-X - New York Achieving a Better Life Experience (Ny Able) Savings Program Trust Fund.

99-Y - Suny Stony Brook Affiliation Escrow Fund.

99-Y*2 - Health Republic Insurance of New York Fund.

99-Y*3 - Highway Use Tax Administration Account.

99-Z - Cure Childhood Cancer Research Fund.

99-AA - Retiree Health Benefit Trust Fund.

99-BB - Armory Rental Account.

99-BB*2 - Parking Services Fund.

99-BB*3 - New York State Secure Choice Administrative Fund.

99-BB*4 - Suny Stony Brook Eastern Long Island Hospital Affiliation Escrow Fund.

99-BB*5 - School-Based Health Centers Fund.

99-CC - Solid Waste Fund.

99-DD - Special Events Fund.

99-EE - Down's Syndrome Research Fund.

99-FF - Parks Retail Stores Fund.

99-FF*2 - New York Central Business District Trust Fund.

99-GG - Golf Fund.

99-HH - Criminal Justice Discovery Compensation Fund.

99-HH*2 - Public Health Emergency Charitable Gifts Trust Fund.

99-HH*3 - Endangered and Threatened Species Mitigation Bank Fund.

99-HH*4 - Behavioral Health Parity Compliance Fund.

99-II - New York State Cannabis Revenue Fund.

99-JJ - New York State Drug Treatment and Public Education Fund.

99-KK - New York State Community Grants Reinvestment Fund.

99-LL - New York State Council on the Arts Cultural Programs Fund.

99-MM - Emergency Rental Assistance Municipal Corporation Allocation Fund.

99-NN - Opioid Settlement Fund.

99-OO - Pharmacy Benefit Manager Regulatory Fund.

99-PP - Background Check Fund.

99-PP*2 - Agricultural and Farmland Viability Protection Fund.

99-PP*3 - Animal Shelter Regulation Fund.

99-QQ - Hazard Mitigation State Revolving Loan Fund.

99-QQ*2 - New York Climate Action Fund.