(a) review all applications for grants authorized pursuant to section
twenty-eight hundred fourteen of the public health law and advise the
commissioner of health concerning their appropriateness;
(b) review all proposals submitted by applicants funded pursuant to
section twenty-eight hundred fourteen of the public health law to
operate a health network containing a reimbursement component, global
budget, or a health care demonstration;
(c) make recommendations to the commissioner of health for
authorization of such proposals;
(d) make recommendations to the governor and the legislature
concerning the waiver, modification or suspension of the requirements of
any provisions of law or regulation to effectuate any global budget, or
health care demonstration approved pursuant to this chapter and other
changes in the health care delivery system; and
(e) make recommendations to the governor and legislature to promote
the conversion or retraining of hospital employees to other health care
occupations, as may be necessary, as a result of demonstrations proposed
in this chapter.
6. Any proposal to operate a health network, global budget, or a
health care demonstration not recommended for approval by the board
pursuant to this chapter shall not be authorized to operate by the
commissioner of health.
* NB Expired June 30, 1996