ยง 95. Regulation of pilots and persons employing them. 1. The board of
commissioners may alter or amend any existing regulation for pilots, and
make, duly promulgate and enforce new rules or regulations, not
inconsistent with the laws of this state or of the United States, which
shall be binding and effective upon all pilots licensed under this
article, and upon all parties employing such pilots. The commissioners
may also regulate the stationing of pilot boats for the purpose of
putting pilots aboard and taking of them off vessels bound to and from
the port of New York and may designate the areas in which such vessels
shall be boarded and left by such pilots. Such commissioners may declare
and enforce forfeitures of pilotage upon any mismanagement or neglect of
duty by the pilots licensed by them. Such commissioners, in order to
prevent any of the pilots licensed by them from combining injuriously
with each other, or with other persons, and to prevent any person
licensed by them from acting as a pilot during his suspension, or after
his license has been revoked, may declare, impose and collect fines and
penalties not exceeding two hundred fifty dollars for each such offense.
The commissioners may also establish and enforce all other needful rules
and regulations for the conduct of the pilots licensed by them, and the
parties employing them. Such commissioners may enforce and receive
accounts of all moneys collected for pilotage by the pilots licensed by
them and may impose and collect from such pilots a sum not exceeding
three per centum on the amount thereof to defray their necessary
expenses, including clerk hire and office rent.
Structure New York Laws
Article 6 - Pilots and Pilotage Fees, Port of New York
87 - Board of Commissioners of Pilots; Powers and Duties.
88 - Pilotage at Sandy Hook, Sands Point or Execution Rocks; Rates.
89-A - Pilotage on the Hudson River; Rates.
89-B - Pilotage on Long Island Sound and Block Island Sound; Rates.
90 - Licensing of Sandy Hook Pilots; Apprenticeship.
91-A - Licensing of Hudson River Pilots.
91-B - Licensing of Long Island-Block Island Sound Pilots.
92 - Examination of Applicants.
94 - Suspension or Revocation of Licenses; Suspension of Pilots.
95 - Regulation of Pilots and Persons Employing Them.