(a) the customer was provided with clear and conspicuous disclosure of
all material terms and conditions of the product or service being
offered, including but not limited to all initial and recurring charges
and the fact that such charges shall appear on the customer's telephone
(b) after receiving clear and conspicuous disclosure as provided in
paragraph (a) of this subdivision, the customer explicitly consented to
the nature and amount of such charges; and
(c) the third party offering the product or service or an agent of
such third party provided the customer with a toll-free telephone number
the customer may call and an address to which the customer may write to
resolve any billing dispute.
3. Any charges for third party products or services that are included
on a bill or invoice by a telephone corporation without the consent of
the customer having been obtained as provided in subdivision two of this
section shall be void and unenforceable, and shall be removed from the
bill or invoice upon notice from such customer.
4. The commission shall supervise and ensure compliance with the
provisions of this section, and may promulgate any rules and regulations
it deems necessary or desirable to ensure such compliance, including but
not limited to any additional requirements for verification of customer
orders and any additional standards that third parties or agents must
meet to be authorized to receive payment through the inclusion of
charges on bills or invoices of telephone corporations. Any failure by a
telephone corporation to comply with the provisions of this section may
be redressed as provided in subdivision three of section ninety-six of
this article or as otherwise authorized by law.
Structure New York Laws
92-A - Special Telephone Equipment for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Persons.
92-B - Telephone Deposits and Payment Plans for the Elderly.
92-D - Telephone Solicitations.
92-E - Telephone Service; Changes in Providers.
92-F - Prepaid Telephone Calling Card Consumer Protections.
92-G - De-Tariffing of Non-Basic Retail Services.
92-H - Participation in the Targeted Accessibility Fund.
93 - Liability for Loss or Damage Caused by Violation of This Chapter.
95 - Reports of Telegraph Corporations and Telephone Corporations.
95-A - Statements of Nature and Extent of Interests to Be Filed Upon Request.
96 - Investigations by Commission.
97 - Rates, Rentals and Service.
98 - Power of Commission to Order Repairs or Changes.
99 - Franchises and Privileges.
100 - Transfer and Ownership of Stock.
101 - Authority to Issue Stock, Bonds and Other Forms of Indebtedness.
102 - Intralata Presubscribed Interexchange Carrier-Change Charge Study.
103 - Commercial Landlord-Tenant Relationship.
104-A - Notice to Customers on Fiber Optic-Based Telephone Lines.