ยง 91. Action to restrain. Any citizen of the state may maintain an
action to restrain any person or corporation from committing any of the
unlawful acts specified in section ninety of this chapter, in any city
or town in which said citizen is assessed for and is liable to pay, or
within one year before the commencement of the action has paid, a tax.
The attorney-general may at any time, in the exercise of his
discretion, bring and maintain an action in the name of the people of
the state of New York, to restrain any person or corporation from any of
the unlawful acts specified in section ninety of this chapter. It shall
be the duty of the attorney-general to institute and prosecute such an
action, upon the written request of ten citizens of this state who are
assessed for taxes therein and whose aggregate assessments amount to not
less than ten thousand dollars, and who shall state, in writing, facts
and circumstances showing any such unlawful act or acts and give an
undertaking with sureties to be approved by a justice of the supreme
court to indemnify the people against the costs of such action.