(i) bicycle paths, the department of transportation,
(ii) for water lines, a public water supplier; or
(iii) for electric, telephone or broadband lines, a public utility
d. "public utility company" shall have the same meaning as such term
is defined in section two of the public service law; provided, however,
that for broadband projects a person subject to article eleven of the
public service law shall be included.
e. "public utility line" shall mean only electric, telephone,
broadband, water or sewer lines, including any necessary conduit used to
protect such lines. Public utility line shall not include the
construction of any new intrastate natural gas or oil pipelines that
have not received all necessary state and local permits and
authorizations as of June first, two thousand sixteen.
f. "public water supplier" shall mean a county or town water
improvement district, village, New York city, public benefit corporation
or public authority established pursuant to state law and empowered to
construct and operate a municipal water management facility, as defined
in section twelve hundred eighty-one of the public authorities law.
g. "state highway" shall mean a state highway as defined in
subdivisions one, two and three of section three of the highway law.
h. "state lands" shall mean lands owned by the state in forest
preserve counties that are under the jurisdiction of the department.
i. "town highway" shall mean a town highway, as defined in subdivision
five of section three of the highway law, in existence as of January
first, two thousand fifteen, listed on the local highway inventory
maintained by the department of transportation, and annually plowed and
regularly maintained.
j. "water supply projects" shall mean drinking water wells.
k. "width of the highway" shall mean three rods or the deeded,
recorded municipal or state right of way or easement in existence as of
January first, two thousand fifteen.
2. Pursuant to approval by the department and the department of
transportation and following a public hearing on each eligible project
at which the public shall be given an opportunity to be heard, a public
utility line may be co-located within or buried beneath the width of the
highway of any state highway, county highway, or town highway.
3. A project sponsor for an eligible project within the width of the
highway shall submit an application for a permit to the department that
at minimum shall include:
a. a resolution from the governing body of the project sponsor, or in
the case of a public utility seeking to utilize the width of highway of
a town highway, the governing body of the town, or the width of highway
of a county, the county governing board, that includes:
(i) approval of the project;
(ii) attestation that such width of highway lands will only be used
for eligible purposes;
(iii) attestation that the project will minimize the removal of trees
and vegetation and restore the area to pre-project condition to the
maximum extent practicable.
b. specific metes and bounds, including total proposed acreage of the
width of highway land sought;
c. a narrative about the project, including a justification;
d. any necessary permits and authorizations; and,
e. an accurate survey.
4. Immediately upon determining that an application is complete, the
department shall cause a notice of application, which shall also include
the time period for public comments, to be published in the next
available state register and environmental notice bulletin as well as in
a newspaper having general circulation in the area in which the eligible
project is proposed to be located. Newspaper publications shall be
provided by the project sponsor.
5. The department shall hold a public hearing on each eligible project
at which the public shall be given an opportunity to be heard.
6. The department, following consultation with the department of
transportation to determine that any required authorization has been
provided, shall only approve an application for an eligible project
permit following a determination that:
a. the eligible project meets the eligible project criteria;
b. the eligible project minimizes adverse environmental impact to the
maximum extent practicable; and
c. the eligible project will not adversely impact lands with
environmental, ecological or recreational value, as determined by the
department based on a resource inventory and assessment.
7. After a hearing and opportunity to be heard, if the commissioner
determines that a project sponsor is utilizing land for a purpose other
than as authorized by the department, the commissioner may require
removal of any improvements to the land and restoration of the land to a
natural, vegetative state.
8. The department is authorized to promulgate such rules and
regulations as may be necessary to implement and administer the
provisions of this article.