ยง 9-116. Tallying ballots; generally. 1. As each vote for any office
or position, or upon any ballot proposal, is announced, a clerk, or, if
there be no clerks, an inspector, under the scrutiny of a clerk or
inspector of opposite political party immediately shall tally it in ink,
with a downward stroke from right to left upon the official tally sheet.
Each such clerk or inspector, as he or she tallies a vote, shall
announce clearly the name of the person for whom he or she tallies it,
or that he or she tallies the vote blank or void as the case may be, or,
in the case of a ballot proposal, that he or she tallies the vote "yes"
or "no". When the name of a person voted for is not printed on the tally
sheet, such clerks or inspectors shall write it in full thereon in ink
in the place provided therefor.
2. When all the votes upon the same office, position or ballot
proposal shall have been canvassed the tally thereof shall be verified
by adding together all the votes tallied thereupon. Whenever the total
number of votes tallied (including blank and void votes) for any office
or party position, divided by the number of persons to be nominated or
elected thereto, or tallied for any ballot proposal, does not exactly
equal the number of ballots cast (including blank and void ballots), a
recanvass must be made immediately in order to correct the error.
In applying this section to a primary election the term "ballots"
means the ballots of the party whose tallied votes for an office or
party position are counted as above provided. Upon a recanvass the
clerks or inspectors must keep the tally in ink from left to right
across the previous tally marks.
3. When the errors if any have been corrected such clerks or
inspectors shall indicate the last tally opposite each name by forthwith
drawing in ink a long horizontal line immediately after the last tally
mark opposite such name. Such tally sheets having thus been prepared,
verified and closed, such clerks or inspectors shall sign their initials
on each sheet, in any blank space thereof.
Structure New York Laws
Article 9 - Canvass of Results
Title 1 - Canvass at Polling Places
9-102 - Canvass; General Provisions For.
9-106 - Official Ballots; Accounting for Number Used.
9-108 - Canvass; Ballots, Verifying Number Cast.
9-110 - Canvass; Election Day Paper Ballots That Have Not Been Scanned; Method Of.
9-112 - Canvass Ballots; Validity of Ballot.
9-114 - Counting Ballots; Objections To.
9-116 - Tallying Ballots; Generally.
9-120 - Returns of Canvass; Generally.
9-122 - Proclamation of Result.