New York Laws
Article 41 - Office of Urban Revitalization
896 - Office of Urban Revitalization.

* § 896. Office of urban revitalization. 1. There is hereby created in
the executive department an office of urban revitalization. The head of
the office shall be the director of urban revitalization who shall be
appointed by the governor and who shall hold office at the pleasure of
the governor.

2. The director shall receive an annual salary to be fixed by the
governor within the amount made available therefor by an appropriation
and shall be allowed his actual and necessary expenses in the
performance of his duties.

3. The director shall direct the work of the office and shall be the
chief executive officer of the office. The director may appoint such
officers and employees as he may deem necessary, prescribe their duties,
fix their compensation, and provide for the reimbursement of their
expenses, all within amounts made available therefor by appropriation.

4. The director shall report to the secretary to the governor on the
activities of the office and shall serve as the secretary's staff
representative to assure the implementation of urban policy
recommendations developed by the cabinet and approved by the governor.

5. The director shall prepare and submit annually, on or before
January first, a comprehensive report, pursuant to section nine hundred
four of this article.

6. The secretary to the governor shall assure that all state agencies
provide the director with assistance in advancing the purposes of the
office and to assure that the activities of the office are fully
coordinated with the activities of state agencies providing related

* NB Expired March 31, 1985