ยง 89-ddd. Application for licenses. 1. Application for a license
required under this article shall be in writing, subscribed by the
applicant under oath, and in the form prescribed by the secretary, and
shall contain the following:
a. The exact name and the address of the applicant and its date of
incorporation or organization, as applicable;
b. The name and the business and residential address of each principal
and officer of the applicant;
c. The complete address where the business of the applicant is to be
conducted, showing the street and number, if any, post office and
building and room number, if any, the office building and room number,
if any, and the municipality and county;
d. If the applicant has one or more branches, subsidiaries or
affiliates operating in the state, the complete address of each such
place of business; and
e. A complete set of two fingerprint cards for each principal and
officer of the applicant on a standard fingerprint card approved by the
division and a fee pursuant to subdivision eight-a of section eight
hundred thirty-seven of the executive law, and amendments thereto, for
the cost of the division's full search and retain procedures, which fee
shall be remitted by the department to the division for deposit by the
comptroller into the general fund. Before approving such application
the secretary, or his or her designee, shall forward one copy of such
fingerprint card and the processing fee to the division upon receipt of
such fingerprints. The division shall forward to the secretary a report
with respect to the applicant's previous criminal history, if any, or a
statement that the applicant has no previous criminal history according
to its files. Upon the written request of an armored car carrier, the
secretary shall require each principal and officer of the applicant to
submit to an additional fingerprint check by the Federal Bureau of
Investigation, and to remit the appropriate fee therefor. If additional
copies of fingerprints are required the applicant shall furnish them
upon request.
2. Upon original application for a license to operate as an armored
car carrier, the applicant shall pay an application fee in the amount of
three hundred dollars. Upon application for a license renewal, the
licensee shall pay a renewal processing fee in the amount of three
hundred dollars.
Structure New York Laws
Article 8-B - Licensing of Armored Car Carriers
89-CCC - Doing Business Without a License Prohibited.
89-DDD - Application for Licenses.
89-EEE - Conditions Precedent to Licensing.
89-GGG - Grounds for Denial, Suspension or Revocation of License; Procedure.
89-HHH - Enforcement of Article; Investigations.