(b) The sheriff shall appoint a committee, to be known as the work
release committee, composed of at least one member of the county
department of probation and of such members of the staff of the jail of
confinement as he shall deem proper. The work release committee may also
include such other persons whom the sheriff may deem proper, and such
persons shall be selected upon the basis of their knowledge and
experience in the field of penology, law, medicine, labor, commerce,
theology or social services. The committee shall advise and assist the
sheriff in administering the work release program, provided, however,
that any determination to approve, disapprove, revoke, suspend or modify
any work release application or plan shall rest solely in the discretion
of the sheriff subject to review by the commission of correction as set
forth in subdivision (a) of this section.
(c) The sheriff and work release committee may assist prisoners
seeking admission to the work release program in securing gainful
employment or participation in a publicly or privately sponsored program
of vocational training.
(d) A work release plan may include employment within a county other
than that in which the jail of confinement is located. The sheriff may
arrange with the sheriff or the superintendent or other person in charge
of a jail or penitentiary of any other county which has adopted a work
release program to maintain custody of any prisoner employed in such
other county during the period of employment or until his discharge from
confinement, whichever shall occur first. In such event, the sheriff or
superintendent of the jail or penitentiary having such custody of the
prisoner shall dispose of the earnings of the prisoner pursuant to
section eight hundred seventy-two of this article.