New York Laws
Title 5 - Challenging Voters
8-508 - Challenge Report; Preparation Of.

(b) The second section of such report shall be reserved for the board
of inspectors to enter the name, address and registration serial number
of each person who is challenged at the time of voting together with the
reason for the challenge. If no voters are challenged, the board of
inspectors shall enter the words "No Challenges" across the space
reserved for such names. In lieu of preparing section two of the
challenge report, the board of elections may provide, next to the name
of each voter in the computer generated registration list, a place for
the inspectors of election to record the information required to be
entered in such section two, or provide elsewhere in such registration
list, a place for the inspectors of election to enter such information.
(c) The third section of such report shall be reserved for the board
of inspectors to enter the name, address and registration serial number
of each voter given assistance, together with the reason the voter was
allowed assistance, the name of the person giving such assistance and
his address if not an inspector. If no voters are given assistance, the
board of inspectors shall enter the words "No Assistance" across the
space reserved for such names. In lieu of providing section three of the
challenge report, the board of elections may provide, next to the name
of each voter in the computer generated registration list, a place for
the inspectors of election to record the information required to be
entered in such section three, or provide elsewhere in such registration
list, a place for the inspectors of election to enter such information.
(d) The fourth section of such report shall be reserved for the board
of inspectors to enter the name, address and registration serial number
of each person who was permitted to vote pursuant to a court order, or
to vote on a paper ballot which was inserted in an affidavit envelope.
If there are no such names, such board shall enter the word "None"
across the space provided for such names. In lieu of providing section
four of such report, the board of elections may provide, next to the
name of each voter in the computer generated registration list, a place
for the inspectors of election to record the information required to be
entered in such section four, or provide elsewhere in such registration
list, a place for the inspectors of election to enter such information.
(e) At the foot of such report or at the end of any such computer
generated registration list, if applicable, shall be a certificate that
such report or list contains the names of all persons who were
challenged on the day of election, and that each voter so reported as
having been challenged took the oaths as required, that such report or
list contains the names of all voters to whom such board gave or allowed
assistance and lists the nature of the disability which required such
assistance to be given and the names and family relationship, if any, to
the voter of the persons by whom such assistance was rendered; that each

such assisted voter informed such board under oath that he required such
assistance and that each person rendering such assistance took the
required oath; that such report or list contains the names of all voters
who were permitted to vote although their registration poll records were
missing; that the entries made by such board are a true and accurate
record of its proceedings with respect to the persons named in such
report or list.
(f) Upon the return of such report or lists to the board of elections,
it shall complete the investigation of voting qualifications of all
persons named in the second section thereof or for whom entries were
placed in such computer generated registration lists in lieu of the
preparation of the second section of the challenge report, and shall
forthwith proceed to cancel the registration of any person who, as noted
upon such report, or in such list, was challenged at such election and
refused either to take a challenge oath or to answer any challenge
(g) The state board of elections shall prescribe a form of challenge
report for use pursuant to the provisions of this section. Such form may
require the insertion of such other information as the state board shall
deem appropriate.