(a) received such voter's application for an absentee ballot;
(b) approved or rejected such application and, if rejected, an
indication of the reason for such rejection;
(c) mailed or delivered an absentee ballot to such voter, the date of
such mailing or delivery, and the expected date of receipt;
(d) received the ballot back as undeliverable;
(e) received such voter's completed absentee ballot;
(f) determined the ballot envelope was subject to a cure; and
(g) counted or rejected such voter's completed absentee ballot and, if
rejected, a brief statement of the reason for rejection.
Structure New York Laws
Article 8 - Conduct of Elections
8-400 - Absentee Voting; Application for Ballot.
8-402 - Absentee Voting; Review of Application by Board of Elections.
8-404 - Absentee Voting; Hospitalized Veterans, Special Provisions.
8-406 - Absentee Ballots, Delivery Of.
8-408 - Electronic Absentee Ballot Application Transmittal System.
8-410 - Absentee Voting; Method Of.
8-412 - Absentee Ballots; Deadline for Receipt, and Delivery to Polling Place.