Dispositions of property in trust for the purpose of the perpetual
care, maintenance, improvement or embellishment of cemeteries or private
burial lots in cemeteries, and the roadways, lawns, hedges, walks,
fences, monuments, structures and tombs in such cemeteries or on such
private burial lots are permitted and shall be deemed to be for
charitable and benevolent purposes. Such dispositions are not invalid by
reason of any indefiniteness or uncertainty of the persons designated as
beneficiaries, nor shall they be invalid as violating any existing rule
against perpetuities. Nothing herein contained shall affect any existing
authority of the courts to determine the reasonableness of the amount of
such disposition. Any cemetery association may act as trustee of and
execute any such trust with respect to lots, roadways, lawns, hedges,
walks, fences, monuments, structures and tombs both within its own
cemetery limits and outside of any cemetery under its control but within
the county where such cemetery is located, whether or not such power is
included among its corporate powers.
Structure New York Laws
EPT - Estates, Powers and Trusts
Part 1 - Rules Governing Charitable Trusts
8-1.1 - Disposition of Property for Charitable Purposes
8-1.2 - Certain Charitable Trusts Authorized
8-1.3 - Certain Charitable Trusts Regulated
8-1.4 - Supervision of Trustees for Charitable Purposes
8-1.5 - Trusts for Cemetery Purposes
8-1.6 - Deposit of Money in Trust by Owner of Lots in Private Unincorporated Cemetery