ยง 79. Courses of instruction. 1. For the purpose of giving such
courses of instruction and awarding boating safety certificates, the
commissioner may designate as his or her agent any person the
commissioner deems qualified to act in such capacity, including, but not
limited to, certified instructors of the United States coast guard
auxiliary, United States power squadrons, the United States sailing
association for a powerboating course or courses which are approved by
the commissioner, American power boat association, boy scouts of
America, Red Cross and other organizations. No charge whatsoever shall
be made to any person less than eighteen years of age for the issuance
of a boating safety certificate. Persons less than eighteen years of age
may be charged a fee for instruction in boating safety, except that the
office may not charge a fee when providing such instruction to persons
less than eighteen years of age.
2. The commissioner is authorized, at his or her discretion, to
develop a method for approving internet-based boating safety courses as
an appropriate and effective method for the administration and
completion of training in the safe operation of vessels, including
personal watercraft and specialty prop-craft, for the purposes of
awarding a boating safety certificate pursuant to this section. All
approved internet-based boating safety courses shall employ methods to
ensure attendance of the student throughout the course.