1. No later than one year after the effective date of this article,
the department, in consultation with the New York state energy research
and development authority, shall establish a social cost of carbon for
use by state agencies, expressed in terms of dollars per ton of carbon
dioxide equivalent.
2. The social cost of carbon shall serve as a monetary estimate of the
value of not emitting a ton of greenhouse gas emissions. As determined
by the department, the social cost of carbon may be based on marginal
greenhouse gas abatement costs or on the global economic, environmental,
and social impacts of emitting a marginal ton of greenhouse gas
emissions into the atmosphere, utilizing a range of appropriate discount
rates, including a rate of zero.
3. In developing the social cost of carbon, the department shall
consider prior or existing estimates of the social cost of carbon issued
or adopted by the federal government, appropriate international bodies,
or other appropriate and reputable scientific organizations.
Structure New York Laws
ENV - Environmental Conservation
75-0103 - New York State Climate Action Council.
75-0105 - Statewide Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report.
75-0107 - Statewide Greenhouse Gas Emissions Limits.
75-0109 - Promulgation of Regulations to Achieve Statewide Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions.
75-0111 - Climate Justice Working Group.
75-0115 - Community Air Monitoring Program.