New York Laws
Article 2-E - Special Parkways
71 - Powers of Commissioner.

§ 71. Powers of commissioner. In addition to all powers conferred by
other provisions of law, the commissioner with respect to special
parkways designated by this article shall have power:

1. Subject to the approval of the state comptroller to provide
procedures for the receipt, deposit and security of moneys collected
under authority of this article and to designate the agent or agents
which shall be empowered to carry out such procedures.

2. To make rules and regulations governing the use and safety
standards of the special parkway facilities, including the power to
lease property, regulate the use and operation of gasoline stations,
restaurants and other facilities for the public on or along the special
parkways. Any lease of property of the special parkways shall be subject
to the approval of the state director of the budget.

5. To limit or prohibit travel by types or classes of commercial
vehicles as may be required due to roadway design or safety
considerations, and to establish speed limits and standards of travel
safety on all such special parkways designated by this article.

6. To determine the points at which there shall be access from other
roads and highways to the special parkways designated by this article
and to determine points of egress from such special parkways, and to
otherwise act with respect to control of access along such special

7. To dispose of, pursuant to the provisions of the highway law
applicable to state highways, any real property deemed by the
commissioner not to be necessary for the operation of special parkways,
or to otherwise, in whole or in part, hold, manage, sell or exchange
such property on terms beneficial to the state. However, any property
previously owned by Westchester county shall revert to the county when
such property is no longer necessary and utilized for the operations of
special parkways.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

TRA - Transportation

Article 2-E - Special Parkways

70 - Special Parkways.

71 - Powers of Commissioner.