ยง 7. Information on status of veterans receiving assistance.
Departments, divisions, bureaus, boards, commissions and agencies of the
state and political subdivisions thereof, which provide assistance,
treatment, counseling, care, supervision or custody in service areas
involving health, mental health, family services, criminal justice or
employment, including but not limited to the office of addiction
services and supports, office of mental health, office of probation and
correctional alternatives, office of children and family services,
office of temporary and disability assistance, department of health,
department of labor, local workforce investment boards, office for
people with developmental disabilities, and department of corrections
and community supervision, shall request assisted persons to provide
information with regard to their veteran status and military
experiences. Individuals identifying themselves as veterans shall be
advised that the department of veterans' services and local veterans'
service agencies established pursuant to section fourteen of this
article provide assistance to veterans regarding benefits under federal
and state law. Information regarding veterans status and military
service provided by assisted persons solely to implement this section
shall be protected as personal confidential information under article
six-A of the public officers law against disclosure of confidential
material, and used only to assist in the diagnosis, treatment,
assessment and handling of the veteran's problems within the agency
requesting such information and in referring the veteran to the
department of veterans' services for information and assistance with
regard to benefits and entitlements under federal and state law.
Structure New York Laws
Article 1 - Department of Veterans' Services
2 - Department of Veterans' Services.
3 - Veterans' Services Commission.
4 - General Functions, Powers and Duties of Department.
5 - Veteran Speaker Education Program.
6 - Cooperation and Facilities of Other Departments.
7 - Information on Status of Veterans Receiving Assistance.
9 - New York State Veteran Burial Fund.
10 - Time Within Which Marriage May Be Solemnized; Member of the Uniformed Services.
13 - State Veterans' Service Agency.
14 - Local Veterans' Service Agencies.
15 - Powers and Duties of Local Veterans' Service Agencies.
16 - Location and Cost of Local Veterans' Service Agencies; Deputy Local Directors.
17 - Local Veterans' Service Committees.
18 - Appropriations for Expenses and Activities of Local Veterans' Service Agencies.
19 - Women Veterans Coordinator.
20 - Women Veterans Advisory Committee.
23 - Persons Who May Receive Annuity.
24 - New York State Veterans' Cemeteries.
25 - Veterans Health Screening.
26 - Payment to Parents of Veterans.
27 - Cremated Remains of a Veteran.
28 - New York State Silver Rose Veterans Service Certificate.
29 - Intake Forms for Admission and Residency.
29-A - Loan Counseling for Mortgages Guaranteed by the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944.