A lifetime trust shall be valid as to any assets therein to the extent
the assets have been transferred to the trust. For purposes of this
section, (a) transfer is not accomplished by recital of assignment,
holding or receipt in the trust instrument, and (b) in the case of a
trust of which the creator is the sole trustee, transfer shall mean in
the case of assets capable of registration such as real estate, stocks,
bonds, bank and brokerage accounts and the like, the recording of the
deed or the completion of registration of the asset in the name of the
trust or trustee, and in the case of other assets a written assignment
describing the asset with particularity.
Structure New York Laws
EPT - Estates, Powers and Trusts
Part 1 - Rules Governing Trusts
7-1.1 - When Trust Interests Not to Merge
7-1.2 - Trustee of Passive Trust Not to Take
7-1.3 - Purchase-Money Resulting Trust Abolished
7-1.4 - Purposes for Which Trust May Be Created
7-1.5 - When Trust Interest Inalienable; Exception
7-1.6 - Application of Principal to Income Beneficiary
7-1.7 - Interest Remaining in Creator of Trust
7-1.8 - Duration of Trust for Benefit of Creditors
7-1.10 - Provision by Non-Domiciliary Creator as to Law to Govern Trust
7-1.11 - Application of Principal to Creator of Trust as Reimbursement for Taxes
7-1.13 - Division of Trusts and Establishment of Separate Trusts
7-1.14 - Who May Make a Lifetime Trust
7-1.15 - What Property May Be Disposed of by Lifetime Trust
7-1.16 - Revocation of Lifetime Trust by Will
7-1.17 - Execution, Amendment and Revocation of Lifetime Trusts