(b) Where a candidate for nomination for the same public office or for
election to the same party position is designated by two or more
petitions, his or her name shall be placed upon the ballot for the
primary election but once as such a candidate.
(c) The ballot shall not contain a space for voting for candidates for
uncontested offices and positions, and no ballot shall be printed for a
party for which there is no contested office or position unless a
petition for opportunity to ballot has been filed.
2. (a) on the official primary election ballot, the ballot endorsement
shall include the name of the party for which such ballot is valid.
(b) where two or more candidates are to be elected to a party
position, the names of candidates designated by each petition shall be
grouped together, and may be referred to collectively on the ballot as a
Structure New York Laws
7-100 - Ballots; Provision For.
7-102 - Ballot; Placing Names and Ballot Proposals Thereon.
7-105 - Ballot Accountability.
7-110 - Ballots; Form for Ballot Proposals; Additional Requirements.
7-114 - Ballots; Form for Primary Election; Additional Requirements.
7-116 - Ballots; Order of Names On.
7-118 - Ballots; Facsimile and Sample.
7-120 - Ballots; Emergency Use, to Be Furnished.
7-121 - Ballots Which Are Counted by Machine.
7-122 - Ballots; Absentee Voters.
7-123 - Ballots; Military Voters.
7-124 - Ballots; Special Federal Voters.
7-125 - Ballots; Special Presidential Voters.
7-126 - Ballots; Pasters, or Stickers, Use Of.
7-128 - Ballots; Inspection Of.
7-130 - Ballots; Examination by Voters and Instruction in Use of Voting Machines.