New York Laws
Sub Part 3 - Academic Performance Awards
670-B - Scholarships for Academic Excellence.

(ii) For the nineteen hundred ninety-eight--ninety-nine academic year
and thereafter, there shall be two thousand scholarships in the amount
of one thousand five hundred dollars each and there shall be six
thousand scholarships in the amount of five hundred dollars each.
(iii) Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, students
awarded one thousand dollar scholarships in the nineteen hundred
ninety-seven--ninety-eight academic year shall be entitled in the
nineteen hundred ninety-eight--ninety-nine academic year and thereafter
to an annual award of one thousand five hundred dollars.
b. In no event shall the amount of the annual award exceed the
recipient's cost of attendance at the institution attended. Cost of
attendance shall mean tuition, required fees, laboratory and other
instruction related expenses, books, transportation, room and board.
Anything in this article to the contrary notwithstanding, a recipient of
a scholarship may concurrently receive with such award any other
academic or general award for which he or she may be eligible provided
however in no event shall a recipient be awarded a scholarship in any
amount where the combination of all such awards would exceed the
recipient's cost of attendance at the institution.