New York Laws
Sub Part 2 - General Awards
669-H - Excelsior Scholarship.

(b) An applicant who has earned a bachelor's degree is ineligible to
receive an award pursuant to this section.
(c) An applicant who has earned an associate's degree is ineligible to
receive an award for a two year program of study pursuant to this
(d) Notwithstanding paragraph c of subdivision four of section six
hundred sixty-one of this part, a school shall certify that a recipient
has achieved a grade point average necessary for successful completion
of his or her coursework to receive payment under the award.
(e) A recipient shall agree to reside exclusively in New York state,
and shall not be employed in any other state, for a continuous number of

years equal to the duration of the award received within six months of
receipt of his or her final award payment, and sign a contract with the
corporation to have his or her full award converted to a student loan
according to a schedule to be determined by the corporation if such
student fails to fulfill this requirement. The terms and conditions of
this paragraph may, as established by the rules and regulations of the
corporation, be deferred: (i) to complete undergraduate study; or (ii)
to attend graduate school on at least a half-time basis. Any obligation
to comply with such provisions as outlined in this paragraph may be
cancelled upon the death of the recipient. Notwithstanding any
provisions of this paragraph to the contrary, the corporation is
authorized to promulgate rules and regulations to provide for the waiver
or suspension of any financial obligation which would involve extreme
(f) Notwithstanding paragraph (c) of subdivision one of this section,
a student who otherwise satisfies all of the requirements under this
section but fails to complete at least thirty combined credits, or its
equivalent, applicable to his or her program or programs of study in any
year shall be eligible to receive an award payment for the first
semester of such year, provided however, the student shall be ineligible
for any further payments under this section.
5. Recipient selection. The president may establish: (a) an
application deadline and (b) a method of selecting recipients if in any
given year there are insufficient funds to cover the needs of all the
applicants provided that priority shall be given to eligible applicants
who are currently in attendance at a public institution of higher
6. Rules and regulations. The corporation is authorized to promulgate
rules and regulations, and may promulgate emergency regulations,
necessary for the implementation of the provisions of this section
including, but not limited to, the criteria for distributing the awards,
which may include a lottery or other form of random selection.

Structure New York Laws

New York Laws

EDN - Education

Title 1 - General Provisions

Article 14 - New York State Higher Education Services Corporation

Part 2 - Student Financial Aid

Sub Part 2 - General Awards

666 - Tuition Awards for Part-Time Undergraduate Students.

667 - Tuition Assistance Program Awards.

667-A - Supplemental Tuition Assistance Program.

667-C - Part-Time Tuition Assistance Program Awards.

667-C-1 - New York State Part-Time Scholarship (Pts) Award Program.

667-D - Enhanced Tuition Awards.

668 - Regents Awards for Children of Deceased and Disabled Veterans.

668-A - Regents Awards for Children of Deceased Police Officers, Peace Officers, Firefighters and Volunteer Firefighters.

668-B - Memorial Scholarships for Children,spouses and Financial Dependents of Deceased Firefighters, Volunteer Firefighters, Police Officers, Peace Officers, and Emergency Medical Service Workers.

668-C - Awards for Vietnam Veterans' Children Born With Spina Bifida Enrolled in Approved Undergraduate or Graduate Programs at Degree Granting Institutions.

668-D - World Trade Center Memorial Scholarships.

668-E - Military Enhanced Recognition, Incentive and Tribute ("Merit") Scholarships.

668-F - American Airlines Flight 587 Memorial Scholarships.

668-G - Continental Airlines Flight 3407 Memorial Scholarships.

669 - Regents Awards for Children of Deceased State Correction Officers and State Civilian Employees of a Correction Facility.

669-A - Veterans Tuition Awards Program.

669-B - Recruitment Incentive and Retention Program for Members of the New York State Organized Militia.

669-D - New York State Math and Science Teaching Incentive Program.

669-E - New York State Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Incentive Program.

669-F - New York State Masters-in-Education Teacher Incentive Scholarship Program.

669-G - The New York State Achievement and Investment in Merit Scholarship (Ny-Aims).

669-H - Excelsior Scholarship.